
SCHEDULE 2A and B Conditions and categories of certificate of airworthiness


SECTION 1A Conditions

1.  A non-EASA aircraft registered in the United Kingdom may fly for a purpose set out in paragraph 2 or 3 subject to the conditions contained in paragraphs 4 to 7 when either—

(a)it does not have a certificate of airworthiness duly issued or rendered valid under the law of the United Kingdom; or

(b)the certificate of airworthiness or the certificate of validation issued under article 18 issued for the aircraft has ceased to be in force by virtue of any of the matters specified in article 19.

2.  The purposes in the case of an aircraft falling within sub-paragraph 1(a) are that the aircraft may fly only so as to enable it to—

(a)qualify for the issue, renewal or validation of a certificate of airworthiness after an application has been made for such issue, renewal or validation, or carry out a functional check of a previously approved modification of the aircraft;

(b)proceed to or from a place at which any inspection, repair, modification, maintenance, approval, test or weighing of, or the installation of equipment in, the aircraft is to take place or has taken place for a purpose referred to in sub-paragraph (a), after any relevant application has been made, or at which the installation of furnishings in, or the painting of, the aircraft is to be undertaken; or

(c)proceed to or from a place at which the aircraft is to be or has been stored.

3.  The purposes in the case of an aircraft falling within sub-paragraph 1(b) are that the aircraft may fly only so as to enable it to—

(a)proceed to a place at which any maintenance or inspection required by article 19(1)(b) is to take place; or

(b)proceed to a place at which any maintenance, inspection or modification required by article 19(1)(c), (d) or (e) is to take place and for which flight the CAA has given permission in writing; or

(c)carry out a functional check, test or in-flight adjustment in connection with the carrying out in a manner approved by the CAA of any overhaul, repair, previously approved modification, inspection or maintenance required by article 19.

4.  The aircraft, including any modifications, must be of a design which previously has been approved by the CAA, or by an organisation approved for that purpose by the CAA, as being compliant with a standard accepted by the CAA as appropriate for the issue of a national certificate of airworthiness.

5.  The aircraft and its engines must be certified as fit for flight by the holder of an aircraft maintenance engineer’s licence granted under this Order, being a licence which entitles the holder to issue that certificate or by a person approved by the CAA for the purpose of issuing certificates under this condition, and in accordance with that approval.

6.  The aircraft must carry the minimum flight crew specified in any certificate of airworthiness or validation or flight manual which has previously been in force under this Order for the aircraft, or is or has previously been in force for any other aircraft of identical design.

7.  The aircraft must not carry any persons or cargo except persons performing duties in the aircraft in connection with the flight or persons who are carried in the aircraft to perform duties in connection with a purpose specified in paragraph 2 or 3.

8.  For the purpose of this Schedule ‘a previously approved modification’ means a modification which has previously been approved by the CAA or by an organisation approved for that purpose by the CAA for that aircraft or another aircraft of the same type.