
SCHEDULE 2The Constitution of the Cayman Islands


Review and alteration of electoral district boundaries

89.—(1) An Electoral Boundary Commission shall, as soon as practicable after its appointment, review the boundaries of the electoral districts into which the Cayman Islands are divided and, taking into account the changes or proposed changes, if any, in the number of electoral districts or of elected members of the Legislative Assembly, shall submit a report to the Governor and the Legislative Assembly containing its recommendations for any changes in the number and boundaries of the electoral districts.

(2) In preparing its report under this section the Commission shall—

(a)take no account of the racial distribution of electors within the Cayman Islands;

(b)take into account the natural boundaries within the Cayman Islands;

(c)have regard to existing electoral districts; and

(d)subject to the foregoing provisions of this subsection, ensure that—

(i)so far as reasonably practicable, across all electoral districts there will be an equal ratio between the number of elected members of the Legislative Assembly representing each electoral district and the number of persons qualified to be registered as electors under section 90 in that district; but

(ii)Cayman Brac and Little Cayman shall (between these two islands) at all times return at least two members to the Legislative Assembly.

(3) As soon as may be after the Commission has submitted a report under subsection (1), the Premier shall lay before the Legislative Assembly for its approval the draft of an order by the Governor for giving effect, whether with or without modifications, to the recommendations contained in the report, and that draft may make provision for any matters which appear to the Premier to be incidental to or consequential upon the other provisions of the draft.

(4) Where any draft order laid under this section would give effect to any such recommendations with modifications, the Premier shall lay before the Legislative Assembly together with the draft a statement of the reasons for the modifications.

(5) If the motion for the approval of any draft order laid under this section is rejected by the Legislative Assembly or is withdrawn by leave of the Assembly, an amended draft shall be laid without undue delay by the Premier before the Assembly.

(6) If any draft order laid under this section is approved by resolution of the Legislative Assembly, the Premier shall submit it to the Governor who shall make an order (which shall be published in a Government Notice) in terms of the draft; and that order shall come into force for the determination of the boundaries of the electoral districts to which it relates upon the next dissolution of the Assembly after it is made.

(7) The question of the validity of any order by the Governor purporting to be made under this section and reciting that a draft of the order has been approved by the Legislative Assembly shall not be inquired into in any court.