The Plant Protection Products Regulations 2003 (revoked)

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Title, extent and commencement

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Prohibitions

  5. 4.Applications concerning active substances

  6. 5.Standard approvals

  7. 6.General requirements for granting standard approvals

  8. 7.Provisional approvals

  9. 8.Emergency approvals

  10. 9.Approvals for research and development

  11. 10.Extensions of approved use

  12. 11.Mutual recognition of approvals

  13. 12.Provisional restrictions and prohibitions

  14. 13.Applications, reviews, revocations and modifications

  15. 14.Notification of information on potentially dangerous effects

  16. 15.Data protection

  17. 16.Duplication of experiments

  18. 17.Confidentiality

  19. 18.Packaging

  20. 19.Labelling

  21. 20.Seizure and disposal of plant protection products

  22. 21.General offences

  23. 22.Penalties

  24. 23.General defence of due diligence

  25. 24.Enforcement

  26. 25.Service of documents

  27. 26.Transitional provisions

  28. 27.Disapplication

  29. 28.Revocations

  30. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1


    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. 1.The name and content of the active substance and the...

      2. 2.The name of other substances which are regarded as dangerous...

      3. 3.Physico-chemical data concerning the active substance and plant protection product....

      4. 4.Any ways of rendering the active substance or plant protection...

      5. 5.A summary of the results of the tests to establish...

      6. 6.Recommended methods and precautions to reduce handling, storage, transport, fire...

      7. 7.The methods of analysis referred to in regulation 6(4) and...

      8. 8.Methods of disposal of the product and of its packaging....

      9. 9.Decontamination procedures to be followed in the case of accidental...

      10. 10.First aid and medical treatment to be given in the...

    3. SCHEDULE 3


      1. 1.The packaging containing the plant protection product shall be marked...

      2. 2.The requirements specified in paragraphs (l), (m) and (n) of...

      3. 3.In no circumstances may the label of the packaging of...

      4. 4.Information to the effect that the plant protection product may...

      5. 5.Labels shall be in English.

      6. 6.At any time the Secretary of State may require additional...

      7. 7.The Secretary of State may require any of the persons...

    4. SCHEDULE 4


      1. 1.Application of these Regulations and of the 1986 Regulations to relevant plant protection products

      2. 2.Notwithstanding paragraph 1 above, and subject to paragraphs 3 and...

      3. 3.Regulation 9 shall not apply to a relevant plant protection...

      4. 4.Notwithstanding regulation 27(2), a pesticide approval in respect of a...

      5. 5.Where in relation to a relevant plant protection product which...

      6. 6.Where, in relation to a relevant plant protection product which...

      7. 7.Effect of a decision to include active substances in Annex I on relevant plant protection products which are approved pesticides

      8. 8.(1) Where the Secretary of State has determined that the...

      9. 9.(1) The Secretary of State shall, at the same time...

      10. 10.(1) Where the Secretary of State has revoked a pesticide...

      11. 11.Any notification given by the Secretary of State under this...

      12. 12.For the purposes of this Schedule— “approved pesticide” means a...

    5. SCHEDULE 5


  31. Explanatory Note