
Variation of Schedule 8

3.  The following plants are hereby added to Schedule 8 to the Act(1):

Common NameScientific Name
Anomodon, Long-leavedAnomodon longifolius
Beech-lichen, New ForestEnterographa elaborata
Bluebell (in respect of section 13(2) only)Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Bolete, RoyalBoletus regius
Cladonia, ConvolutedCladonia convoluta
Cut-grassLeersia oryzoides
Deptford Pink (in respect of England and Wales only)Dianthus armeria
Feather-moss, PolarHygrohypnum polare
Stack Fleawort, SouthTephroseris integrifolia (ssp maritima)
Fungus, HedgehogHericium erinaceum
Goblin LightsCatolechia wahlenbergii
Spike-rush, DwarfEleocharis parvula
Moss, FlamingoDesmatodon cernuus
Polypore, OakBuglossoporus pulvinus
Puffball, Sandy StiltBattarraea phalloides
Sulphur-tresses, AlpineAlectoria ochroleuca
Threadmoss, Long-leavedBryum neodamense

Schedule 8 was varied by S.I. 1988/288, 1992/2350.