The Town and Country Planning (Determination of Appeals by Appointed Persons) (Prescribed Classes) Regulations 1997

Publicity for directions under paragraph 1(2) of Schedule 6 to the principal Act and Schedule 3 to the Listed Buildings Act

5.—(1) On the giving by the Secretary of State of a direction under paragraph 1(2) of Schedule 6 to the principal Act or under paragraph 1(2) of Schedule 3 to the Listed Buildings Act he may by notice in writing enclosing a copy of the direction require the local planning authority for every area in respect of which the direction has effect to publish as soon as may be a notice in at least one newspaper circulating in the area; and such notice shall contain a concise statement of the direction and shall specify the place or places where a copy of the direction may be seen at all reasonable hours.

(2) In paragraph (1) above “local planning authority” means, as respects any class of appeal, a local planning authority against whose decision (or failure to take a decision) an appeal of that class may be made.