


Class C Air navigation development near an airport

C.    Permitted development

The carrying out on operational land outside but within 8 kilometres of the perimeter of a relevant airport, by a relevant airport operator or its agent, of development in connection with—

(a)the provision of air traffic control services,

(b)the navigation of aircraft using the airport, or

(c)the monitoring of the movement of aircraft using the airport.

C.1    Development not permitted

Development is not permitted by Class C if—

(a)any building erected would be used for a purpose other than housing equipment used in connection with the provision of air traffic control services, with assisting the navigation of aircraft, or with monitoring the movement of aircraft using the airport;

(b)any building erected would exceed a height of 4 metres;

(c)it would consist of the installation or erection of any radar or radio mast, antenna or other apparatus which would exceed 15 metres in height, or, where an existing mast, antenna or apparatus is replaced, the height of that mast, antenna or apparatus, if greater.