
Statutory Instruments

1995 No. 1426 (C.30)


The Merchant Shipping Act 1970 (Commencement No. 12) Order 1995


1st June 1995

The Secretary of State for Transport, in exercise of powers conferred by section 101(4) of the Merchant Shipping Act 1970(1) and now vested in him(2), and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order:—

1.  This Order may be cited as the Merchant Shipping Act 1970 (Commencement No. 12) Order 1995.

2.  The provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act 1970 specified in the first column of the Schedule to this Order (which relate to the matters specified in the second column of the Schedule) shall come into force on 1st August 1995.

Signed by the authority of the Secretary of State for Transport


Parliamentary Under Secretary of State,Department of Transport

1st June 1995

Article 2

SCHEDULEProvisions coming into force on 1st August 1995

Provisions of the ActSubject matter of provisions
In section 100, subsection (3) so far as it relates to the provisions of Schedule 5 brought into force by this ScheduleRepeals.
Schedule 5, so far as it relates to the repeals set out in the Appendix to this ScheduleEnactments repealed.

APPENDIX TO SCHEDULERepeals taking effect on 1st August 1995

ChapterShort TitleExtent of Repeal
1919 c. 92The Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Act 1919Section 5

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order commences the repeal made by the Merchant Shipping Act 1970 of section 5 of the Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Act 1919 (masters, chief engineers and skippers of British vessels to be British subjects).

Note as to Earlier Commencement Orders

(This note is not part of the Order)

In this Note:

“MSA 1974” means the Merchant Shipping Act 1974(3)

“MSA 1979” means the Merchant Shipping Act 1979(4)

an asterisk(*) denotes that the prescribed penalty has been increased by Schedule 6 to the MSA 1979.

The following provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act 1970 have been brought into force by commencement orders made before the date of this Order:

ProvisionDate ofcommencementS.I. No.
ss. 1*, 2*, 4, 5, 7, 8*, 9,101.1.731972/1977
s. 11 (see s. 39(3) MSA 1979)1.1.731972/1977
ss. 12 to 141.1.731972/1977
s. 15 (amended by s. 37(1) MSA 1979)1.8.791979/809
ss. 16 to 181.1.731972/1977
s. 19*1.8.791979/809
s. 20*19.12.751975/2156
ss. 21*, 22*, 23*1.1.731972/1977
s. 24*1.10.741974/1194
ss. 25, 261.1.731972/1977
s. 27* (amended by s. 45(1) MSA 1979)1.1.731972/1977
s. 28* (amended by s. 45(2) MSA 1979)1.1.731972/1977
s. 29 (repealed by s. 19(3) MSA 1974)1.1.731972/1977
s. 30* (amended by s. 19(4) MSA 1974)1.1.731972/1977
s. 31 (repealed by s. 19(3) MSA 19741.1.731972/1977
s. 32 (amended by s. 19(6) MSA 1974)1.1.731972/1977
ss. 33, 34*, 35, 37 to 421.1.731972/1977
s. 43* (see s. 37(2) and (3) MSA 1979)19.12.751975/2156
ss. 44, 45*, 46*, 47*19.12.751975/2156
s. 48*1.1.731972/1977
s. 4919.12.751975/2156
s. 50*1.9.811981/1186
s. 51*1.5.951995/965
ss. 52, 53, 541.1.831982/1617
ss. 55, 561.7.831982/1617
ss. 57, 591.1.83 and 1.7.831982/1617
s. 601.9.811981/1186
s. 61* (amended by s. 28(7)(b), 29(1) and (2) MSA 1979)1.1.731972/1977
ss. 62*, 63, 64, 65*, 66, 67, 68*, 70*, 71*1.1.731972/1977
s. 72* (amended by s. 30 MSA 1979)1.1.731972/1977
ss. 73*, 74*, 751.1.731972/1977
s. 76* (amended by s. 37(5) MSA 1979)1.1.731972/1977
ss. 77*, 78*, 79 to 841.1.731972/1977
ss. 85 and 86*18.11.741974/1908
ss. 88, 89*, 901.1.731972/1977
s. 91*16.7.821982/840
s. 92 (amended by s. 37(6) MSA 1979)1.1.731972/1977
ss. 93, 941.1.731972/1977
s. 95(1) (amended by s. 45(3) MSA 1979), (4) to (6)1.1.731972/1977
s. 95(2)1.8.791979/809
s. 961.1.731972/1977
s. 97 (amended by s. 29(3) MSA 1979)1.1.731972/1977
ss. 98 and 991.1.731972/1977
s. 100 and Sch. 5 partially1.1.73 and 6.4.741972/1977
1.1.83 and 1.7.831982/1617
1.1.87 and 1.9.871986/2006
s. 101 (amended by s. 37(7) MSA 1979)1.1.731972/1977
Sch. 118.11.741974/1908
Sch. 2 Part I, paragraph 1 and Part II1.1.731972/1977
Sch. 3, paragraphs 1 to 4, 8 and 9, 11 to 141.1.73 and 6.4.741972/1977
Sch. 3, paragraph 1018.11.741974/1908
Sch. 3, paragraphs 5, 6 and 71.9.811981/1186
Sch. 4, paragraphs 1 to 41.1.731972/1977
Sch. 4, paragraph 91.9.811981/1186
Sch. 4, paragraph 181.1.83 and 1.7.831982/1617
Sch. 5 (partially)1.1.73 and 6.4.741972/1977
1.1.87 and 1.9.871986/2066

1970 c. 36; section 101(4) was amended by section 37(7) of the Merchant Shipping Act 1979 (c. 39).


See S.I. 1970/1537.