


Article 5

(1) The frontier controls of the State of departure shall normally be effected before those of the State of arrival.

(2) The officers of the State of arrival are not authorised to begin to carry out such controls before the end of the controls of the State of departure. Any form of relinquishment of such controls shall be considered as a control.

(3) The officers of the State of departure may no longer carry out their controls when the officers of the State of arrival have begun their own operations, except with the consent of the competent officers of the State of arrival.

(4) If exceptionally, in the course of the frontier controls, the sequence of operations provided for in paragraph (1) of this Article is modified, the officers of the State of arrival may not proceed to detentions, arrests or seizures until the frontier controls of the State of departure are completed. In such a case, these officers shall escort the persons, vehicles, merchandise, animals or other goods, for which the frontier controls of the State of departure are not yet completed, to the officers of that State. If these latter then wish to proceed to detentions, arrests or seizures, they shall have priority.