
Article 2(1)


“Control zone”A control zone defined under Article 1(6) of the Part I provisions.
“Frontier controls”So far as they constitute frontier controls as defined in Article 1(1) of the Part I provisions and are controls in relation to persons or goods, police, immigration, customs, health, veterinary and phytosanitary controls.
“Frontier control enactment”An Act, or an instrument made under an Act, for the time being in force, which contains provision relating to frontier controls.
“International service”The meaning given in section 13(6) of the Channel Tunnel Act 1987.
“The 1993 Order”The Channel Tunnel (International Arrangements) Order 1993(1).
“The Part I provisions”The provisions set out in Part I of Schedule 2.
“The Part II provisions”The provisions set out in Part II of Schedule 2.
“Terminal control point”A place which is an authorised terminal control point for international services for the purposes of sections 11 and 12 of the Channel Tunnel Act 1987.
“Through train”A train, other than a shuttle train as defined in section 1(9) of the Channel Tunnel Act 1987, which for the purposes of sections 11 and 12 of that Act is engaged on an international service.
“Train manager”In relation to a through train or shuttle train, the person designated as train manager by the person operating the international service on which the train is engaged.
“The tunnel system”The meaning given by section 1(7) of the Channel Tunnel Act 1987.