
Statutory Instruments

1990 No. 2622 (C. 72) (S. 217)


The Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 (Commencement No.3) Order 1990


20th December 1990

The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by sections 143(1) and 157(3) of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984(1), and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order:


1.  This Order may be cited as the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 (Commencement No.3) Order 1990.

Appointed day

2.  Sections 36 to 40 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 shall come into force on 8th January 1991 insofar as not already in force in respect of the areas of Tayside and Lothian Regional Councils.

James Douglas-Hamilton

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Scottish Office

St Andrew’s House,


20th December 1990

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order brings into force on 8th January 1991 those provisions of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 which are not already in force.

This Order brings into force sections 36 to 40 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 in respect of all the areas in Scotland other than the areas of Tayside and Lothian Regional Councils. Sections 36 to 40 were brought into force in respect of the areas of Tayside and Lothian Regional Councils on 1st August 1989 by the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 (Commencement No.2) Order 1989 (S.I. 1989/1094). These sections provide for the construction of road humps and make provision for prior consultation and other procedures relating to proposals by road authorities to construct road humps. They also empower the Secretary of State to make Regulations concerning the construction and maintenance of road humps and the status of road humps which conform to such Regulations.