The Magistrates' Courts (Forms) Rules 1981



FORM 1Information (M.C. Act 1980, s. 1; M.C.Rules 1981, r.4)
FORM 2Summons (M.C. Act 1980, s. 1; M.C. Rules 1981, r.98)
FORM 3Summons to accused to attend adjourned hearing (M.C. Act 1980, s. 26(1); M.C. Rules 1981, r. 98)
FORM 4Warrant of arrest in first instance (Bail Act 1976, s. 3; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 1, 13, 14, 117; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 95,96)
FORM 5Warrant of commitment on remand before conviction (Bail Act 1976, ss. 3, 4; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 5, 10, 128; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 6Warrant of commitment on remand to alternate court (M.C. Act 1980, ss. 5, 10, 18(4), 122, 130; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 25, 94, 95, 97)
FORM 7Warrant of commitment on remand from alternate court (M.C. Act 1980, ss. 5, 10, 18(4), 128, 130; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 25, 94, 95, 97)
FORM 8Warrant of commitment on further remand in custody of person detained under custodial sentence (M.C. Act 1980, s. 131(3); M.C.Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 9Warrant of commitment: remittal to another magistrates' court for sentence (M.C. Act 1980, ss. 10, 39, 128; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 19, 94, 95, 97)
FORM 10Warrant of commitment on further remand in custody of person unable to appear by reason of illness or accident (Bail Act 1976, s. 3; M.C. Act 1980, s. 129;M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 11Order for taking finger-prints and palm-prints of accused person (M.C. Act 1980, s. 49)
FORM 12Warrant of arrest on failure to surrender to bail (Bail Act 1976, s. 7; M.C. Act 1980, s. 117; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 95, 96)
FORM 13Statement of witness (C.J. Act 1967, s. 9; M.C. Act 1980, s. 102; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 70)
FORM 14Notice to defendant: proof by written statement (C.J. Act 1967, s. 9; M.C. Act 1980, s. 102; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 70)
FORM 15Warrant of arrest issued before return date of summons (Bail Act 1976, s. 3; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 1, 13, 14, 117; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 95, 96)


FORM 16Certificate to be sent to Crown Court on committal for trial (C.J. Act 1925, s. 13; C.J. Act 1967, ss. 7, 11; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 4, 6, 8, 98; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 7, 11)
FORM 17Statement of accused (M.C. Rules 1981, r. 7)
FORM 18Warrant of commitment: committal to Crown Court for trial (Bail Act 1976, ss. 3, 4; M.C. Act 1980, s. 6; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 19Order committing corporation for trial (M.C. Act 1980, ss. 6, 46, Sch. 3)
FORM 20Notice to governor of prison of persons committed to the Crown Court on bail (M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 9, 17)
FORM 21Notice on committal for trial of a person subject to transfer direction under section 73 of the Mental Health Act 1959 (M.C. Rules 1981, r. 10)
FORM 22Witness order (C.P. (A. of W.) Act 1965, s. 1(1); M.C. Rules 1981, r. 8)
FORM 23Notice to witness that a witness order is to be treated as a conditional order (C.P. (A. of W.) Act 1965, s. 1(2)(b); M.C. Rules 1981, r. 8(2))
FORM 24Notice of provisions of s. 11 of Criminal Justice Act 1967 (C.J. Act 1967, s. 11; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 6 (5), 7 (13))
FORM 25List of exhibits (M.C. Rules 1981, r. 11(2)(g))
FORM 26Warrant of commitment of person indicted (Courts Act 1971, s. 13(7); M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)


FORM 27Notice to defendant: plea of guilty in absence (M.C. Act 1980, s. 12(1)(a))
FORM 28Statement of facts (M.C. Act 1980, s. 12(1)(b))
FORM 29Notice of intention to cite previous convictions (M.C. Act 1980, s. 104)
FORM 30Notice of intention to cite previous convictions for offences involving obligatory or discretionary disqualification from driving (R.T. Act 1972, s. 182(2A)(c))
FORM 31Warrant of arrest on failure to appear in answer to summons or at adjourned trial before evidence has been received (Bail Act 1976, s. 3; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 1, 11, 13, 14, 117; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 95, 96)
FORM 32Warrant of arrest on failure to appear after evidence has been received where the accused is at large otherwise than on bail (Bail Act 1976, s. 3; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 1, 11, 13, 14, 117; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 95, 96)
FORM 33Warrant of commitment on remand after conviction (C.J. Act 1961, ss. 4(4), 12; Immigration Act 1971, s. 6(2); Bail Act 1976, ss. 3, 4; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 10(3), 128; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 34Warrant of commitment on remand for medical examination (Bail Act 1976, ss. 3, 4; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 10, 30, 128; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 24, 94, 95, 97)
FORM 35Hospital order (M.H. Act 1959, s. 60; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 31)
FORM 36Guardianship order (M.H. Act 1959, s. 60; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 31)
FORM 37Order of dismissal of information (M.C. Act 1980, s. 9)
FORM 38Conviction (M.C. Act 1980, s. 9; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 16)
FORM 39Warrant of commitment: committal to Crown Court for sentence (C.J. Act 1961, s. 1; C.J. Act 1967, s. 62; Bail Act 1976, s. 3; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 37, 38; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 40Warrant of commitment to Crown Court for restriction order (M.H. Act 1959, s. 67(1))
FORM 41Warrant of commitment to Crown Court for restriction order or sentence (M.H. Act 1959, s. 67(4))
FORM 42Order of admission to hospital pending restriction order (M.H. Act 1959, s. 68)
FORM 43Warrant of commitment: sentence of imprisonment (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 19(3); M.C. Act 1980, s. 132; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 44Warrant of commitment to detention centre (C.J. Act 1961, s. 4; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 45Order of return to borstal (C.J. Act 1961, s. 12; M.C. Act 1980, s. 4(4))


FORM 46Notice of fine (M.C. Rules 1981, r. 46)
FORM 47Notice of registration of financial penalty enforcement order (Army Act 1955, s. 133A; Air Force Act 1955, s. 133A; Naval Discipline Act 1957, s. 128F; M.C. Rules, 1981, r. 47)
FORM 48Distress warrant (P.C.C. Act 1973, ss. 31, 32; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 76, 78; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 54, 95)
FORM 49Return of insufficient distress (M.C. Act 1980, s. 76(2)) (Endorsement)
FORM 50Account of charges incurred on distress warrant (M.C. Rules 1981, r. 54(10))
FORM 51Warrant of commitment on occasion of conviction (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 19(2); M.C. Act 1980, ss. 76, 82, 132; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 52Warrant of commitment on occasion subsequent to conviction (P.C.C. Act 1973, ss. 19(2), 31; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 76, 77(2), 79, 82, 88, 132; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 53Summons to fine defaulter (P.C.C. Act 1973, ss. 31, 32; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 82, 83; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 98)
FORM 54Warrant for arrest of fine defaulter (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 31; M.C. Act 1980, ss. 82, 83; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 95, 96)
FORM 55Warrant of commitment to detention centre: non-payment of fine (C.J. Act 1961, s.5)
FORM 56Endorsement on warrant of commitment in default: defaulter in detention centre (CJ. Act 1961, s. 5(6))
FORM 57Warrant for detention in police cells etc. (M.C. Act 1980, s. 134; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 58Warrant for detention in police station (M.C. Act 1980, s. 136; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 95, 97)
FORM 59Transfer of fine order (P.C.C. Act 1973, ss. 31, 32; M.C. Act 1980, s. 89; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 57)
FORM 60Transfer of fine order to Scotland or Northern Ireland (P.C.C. Act 1973, ss. 31, 32; M.C. Act 1980, s. 90; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 57)
FORM 61Notice of transfer of fine order (M.C. Rules 1981, r. 57)
FORM 62Notice of fine supervision order (M.C. Rules 1981, r. 56)
FORM 63Authority for clerk of magistrates' court to enforce payment of fine in High Court or County Court (M.C. Act 1980, s. 87)


FORM 64Probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 2)
FORM 65Order for conditional discharge (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 7)
FORM 66Summons to probationer on application to amend probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, Sch. 1)
FORM 67Order amending probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, Sch. 1)
FORM 68Order discharging probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, Sch. 1)
FORM 69Order substituting conditional discharge for probation (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 11)
FORM 70Information for breach of requirement of probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 6; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 4)
FORM 71Summons for breach of requirement of probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 6; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 98)
FORM 72Warrant of arrest for breach of requirement of probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 6; Bail Act 1976, s. 3; M.C. Act 1980, s. 117; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 95, 96)
FORM 73Warrant of commitment: committal to Crown Court on breach of requirement of probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 6; Bail Act 1976, ss. 3, 4; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 74Certificate that probationer has failed to comply with requirement of probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 6(5)
FORM 75Order on failure to comply with requirements of probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 6)
FORM 76Commitment on failure to comply with requirement of probation order (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 6; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 77Information on commission of further offence during probation period or period of conditional discharge (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 8; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 4)
FORM 78Summons on commission of further offence during probation period or period of conditional discharge (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 8; M.C. Rules 1981, r. 98)
FORM 79Warrant of arrest on commission of further offence during probation period or period of conditional discharge (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 8; Bail Act 1976, s. 3; M.C. Act 1980, s. 117; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 80Warrant of commitment: committal to Crown Court on commission of further offence by probationer or person conditionally discharged (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 8; Bail Act 1976, s. 3; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)
FORM 81Order in respect of original offence on commission of further offence during probation period or period of conditional discharge (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 8)
FORM 82Commitment on commission of further offence during probation period or period of conditional discharge (P.C.C. Act 1973, s. 8; M.C. Rules 1981, rr. 94, 95, 97)