
Valuation lists

58.  The appropriate valuation officer of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue shall cause such alterations to be made in the valuation lists as may be necessary as a result of the changes of areas made by the order, and—omes part of a parish, may be treated in a valuation list as a rating district;

(a)any area transferred from any county, district, London borough, parish or community or from the City, the Inner Temple or the Middle Temple, or any other area which becomes part of a parish, may be treated in a valuation list as a rating district;

(b)nothing in the rules prescribing the form of valuation lists for the time being in force shall preclude any such alteration being made by—

(i)the deletion of hereditaments from a valuation list;

(ii)the repositioning in a valuation list of any sheets therein;

(iii)the insertion of sheets in a valuation list, or copies thereof, in another valuation list;

(iv)the amalgamation of existing valuation lists to form a new valuation list;

(v)such revisions in the sheets, copies or lists mentioned in (ii), (iii) or (iv) (in particular the deletion of hereditaments) as may be necessary.