Defence Act 1842

XLIAct not to vest any Property belonging to the Prince of Wales in the Officers of the Ordnance.

Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall vest or be construed to vest in the principal Officers of Her Majesty's Ordnance for the Time being any Estate or Interest in any Messuages, Buildings, Castles, Forts, Lines, or other Fortifications, Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments belonging to His Royal Highness Albert Edward Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall, or other the Personage who may hereafter for the Time being be entitled to the Revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall, in right or in respect of the said Duchy, other than or different from the Estate and. Interest under or by virtue of which the principal Officers for the Time being of Her Majesty's Ordnance held the same at the Time of the passing of this Act; and that nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to affect, alter, prejudice, or derogate from the Estate, Right, Title, Interests, Privileges, or Authority of His said Royal Highness, or other the Personage who may hereafter for the Time being be entitled to the Revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall in right or in respect of the said Duchy, or the Possessions thereof, nor at any Time be admitted in any Court of Law or Equity, or otherwise construed, to alter or affect in any Manner the Tenure upon which any such Messuages, Buildings, Castles, Forts, Lines, or other Fortifications, Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, were previously to the passing of this Act held or set apart for or placed under the Charge of any Person or Persons acting under the Authority of or in Trust for Her Majesty or of Her Royal Predecessors, for the Use and Service of the Ordnance or late Barrack Department, or for the Defence or Security of the Realm, nor to alter or affect in any Manner whatever such Estate, Right, Title, Interest, or Authority of His said Royal Highness or other the Personage aforesaid in right or in respect of His or Her said Duchy of Cornwall, or the Possessions thereof.