
SCHEDULECompensation and superannuation benefits of officers



1Where a pensionable officer of a county council becomes a civil servant in consequence of his transfer to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries under subsection (2) of section one of this Act, then—

(a)that council shall, within three months after his becoming a civil servant, give to the Minister full information as to his previous service, the amount of his emoluments which will be pensionable emoluments for the purpose of the rules made under section nine of the [25 & 26 Geo. 5. c. 23.] Superannuation Act, 1935 (which relates to the superannuation of transferred officers), and the amount of the superannuation allowance which he may become entitled to receive from the council; and

(b)if the said rules do not already apply to the council, those rules shall nevertheless apply in relation to him as if the Treasury, upon the application of the council, had directed that the rules should apply to the council.