National Insurance Act 1913

15Amendment of s.12 of principal Act

(1)Section twelve of the principal Act shall have effect as though proviso (1) to subsection (2) of that section were omitted therefrom, and any sum which, but for the provisions of that section, would have been payable to any person on account of sickness, disablement, or maternity benefit, if and so far as it is not paid or applied in accordance with the provisions of that section while the person to or in respect of whom it would have been payable is an inmate of any workhouse, hospital, asylum, convalescent home, or infirmary, may, if the society or committee administering the benefit thinks fit, be applied in the provision of any surgical appliances required for the person or otherwise for his benefit after he ceases to be an inmate, or, if it is not so expended, shall be paid in cash to the person after leaving the institution, in a lump sum or in instalments as the society or committee thinks fit, and, where any sum which apart from section twelve of the principal Act would have been payable on account of sickness benefit has been paid or applied under that section as amended by this section, it shall be treated as a payment in respect of sickness benefit for the purpose of determining the rate and duration of that benefit.

(2)Proviso (ii) to subsection (2) of section twelve of the principal Act shall have effect as if for the words "both on " account of sickness or disablement benefit and on account of " maternity benefit" there were substituted the words " both " on account of maternity benefit payable in lieu of sickness or " disablement benefit and on account of maternity benefit not " so payable," and for the words " which would otherwise be " payable on account of maternity benefit " there were substituted the words " which would otherwise be payable on account " of such last-mentioned maternity benefit."