
1Restrictions on sale of methylated, spirits.

(1)It shall not be lawful to sell by retail any methylated spirits or surgical spirit unless—

(i)either the seller is an authorised seller of poisons and the sale is effected on registered premises or the seller's name is entered in a local authority's list kept in pursuance of this Act, and the sale is effected on premises specified in that list; and

(ii)the bottle or other vessel in which such methylated spirits or surgical spirit are sold bears a label specifying the name of the seller and the premises on which they are sold and containing the words " methylated spirits" or " surgical spirit", as the case may be; and

(iii)the seller has, prior to the delivery of the methylated spirits or surgical spirit, made or caused to be made an entry in a book to be kept for that purpose, stating in the prescribed form the date of the sale, the name and address of the purchaser, the quantity of the methylated spirits or surgical spirit sold and the purpose for which they are stated by the purchaser to be required; and

(iv)either (a) the purchaser has affixed his signature to the entry aforesaid or (b) the seller has before delivery of the methylated spirits or surgical spirit received an order signed by the purchaser specifying his address, the quantity of the methylated spirits or surgical spirit to be purchased, and the purpose for which they are required, and the seller is reasonably satisfied that the signature affixed to such order is the signature of the person purporting to sign it, and the seller has entered in the place reserved for the signature of the purchaser in the book required by the last foregoing paragraph to be kept, the words " Signed order."

(2)It shall not be lawful knowingly to sell by retail methylated spirits or surgical spirit to any person under the age of fourteen.

(3)Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply to surgical spirit sold by an authorised seller of poisons on registered premises or supplied by a duly qualified medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered veterinary surgeon for the purposes respectively specified in subsection (1) of section nineteen of the [23 & 24 Geo. 5. c. 25.] Pharmacy and Poisons Act, 1933, if the requirements of subsections (2) and (3) of the said section are complied with in relation to such sale or supply of surgical spirit in like manner as if it were a medicine.