Corporation Tax Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 153: Reserves of marketing authorities and certain other statutory bodies

583.This section, and the following two sections, contain special rules for the treatment of the statutory reserve funds which must in certain circumstances be maintained by certain statutory authorities. It is based on section 509 of ICTA.

584.This section allows a qualifying statutory body a deduction in calculating its trade profits for any amount of its trade surplus that it is required to pay into a reserve fund. Any amount withdrawn from the fund is taxed as a trade receipt unless it is a repayment of the levy or paid to the producers or a Government Department.

585.Subsections (1) and (2) identify the statutory bodies to which this section applies.

586.Subsection (5) provides definitions for the purposes of this section.

587.The roll of statutes which confer functions that are relevant to these sections and the population of statutory authorities to which these sections might apply has declined in recent years. The Cereals Marketing Act 1965 and the Agriculture Act 1967 still confer functions that are relevant for the purposes of these sections. See, in particular, the powers to make schemes under section 16 of the 1965 Act and section 13 of the 1967 Act.

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