Corporation Tax Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 74: Retraining courses

293.This section allows a deduction for certain expenses of retraining provided for employees. It is based on section 588 of ICTA. The corresponding rule for income tax is in section 74 of ITTOIA.

294.Subsection (2) cross-refers to ITEPA for the conditions that need to be met for the deduction to be allowed (section 311 of ITEPA exempts the employee from tax in respect of qualifying retraining courses).

295.The section does not rewrite section 588(3)(b) of ICTA. That provision makes a deduction in calculating the employer’s trade profits conditional on the employee’s exemption under section 311 of ITEPA in respect of the expenditure in question. This condition is not consistent with the similar provision rewritten in section 73 and does not serve any material purpose. See Change 16 in Annex 1.

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