Corporation Tax Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 41: Effect of company starting or ceasing to be within charge to corporation tax

185.This section treats a company as starting or ceasing to carry on a trade in particular circumstances. It is based on section 337 of ICTA. The corresponding rule for income tax is in section 18 of ITTOIA.

186.Section 337 of ICTA requires the company’s trade or property business income to be calculated as though it had started or ceased to carry on a trade or a property business in two cases. Section 41 deals with trades and section 289 with property businesses.

187.The first trade case is when the company begins or ceases to carry on the trade (section 337(1)(a) of ICTA). Then its profits from that trade are calculated as though the trade had, at that time, begun or ceased. It is not necessary to rewrite this case. It is dealt with automatically in the rewritten rules because they are “person-based” and do not assume that a particular trade can continue independently of the person actually carrying it on.

188.The second case involves movement by the company into or out of the corporation tax regime (section 337(1)(b) of ICTA). Non-UK resident companies are within the charge to corporation tax only if they are trading, are trading in the United Kingdom, and through a permanent establishment in the United Kingdom. Then they are chargeable to corporation tax on all the profits attributable to that permanent establishment. First meeting or ceasing to meet those conditions can result in a change of taxing regime from income tax to corporation tax or vice versa.

189.Section 41 says what happens when a company enters or leaves the corporation tax regime in respect of the trade: then its trade profits are calculated as though it had started or ceased to carry on the trade. The corresponding income tax rule in section 18 of ITTOIA is a complementary, mirror-image rule which applies when the company enters or leaves the income tax regime in respect of the trade.

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