Corporation Tax Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 1019: Calculation of relief if shares are restricted or convertible

2633.This section gives the amount of the relief if the shares are restricted or convertible, where they are acquired pursuant to an option. It is based on paragraphs 21 and 22C of Schedule 23 to FA 2003.

2634.Subsections (2)(a) and (3)(a) give the basic rule. The relief is equal to the amount that counts as employment income under section 476 of ITEPA when the shares are acquired. The chargeable amount is given in section 478 of ITEPA. In broad terms it is the market value of the shares at the time they are acquired (section 479 of ITEPA) less any consideration given for the shares and any expenses incurred on the acquisition (section 480 of ITEPA).

2635.Subsections (2)(b) and (3)(b) modify the basic rule if the option is a qualifying option under the EMI (Enterprise Management Incentives) code. The effect of that code is ignored in calculating the amount of the relief. The EMI code is defined in section 527(3) of ITEPA. A qualifying option is defined in section 527(4) of ITEPA.

2636.This modification is needed to deal with the interaction between sections 476 and 531 of ITEPA. Section 531 of ITEPA sets out how to calculate the amount that counts as employment income under section 476 of ITEPA if the option allows the shares to be acquired at a discount to their market value at the date the option is granted. The amount that counts as employment income is that market value less any consideration given for the option and any consideration given for the shares. This limits the employment income charge on the employee to the amount of the discount.

2637.Subsections (2)(b) and (3)(b) ensure that the company gets a deduction for the market value of the shares at the date they are acquired under the option less any consideration given for the shares and any expenses incurred on the acquisition.

2638.The full out words at the end of subsection (3) are similar to the full out words at the end of section 1011(3). If the shares are convertible shares they are valued on the basis that they are not convertible. This is the normal method of valuation that section 437(1) of ITEPA applies to such shares.

2639.There is a difference between subsections (2) and (3) which is not apparent from the text. This is that the calculation under subsection (2) is made by reference to Chapter 2 of Part 7 of ITEPA, while the calculation under subsection (3) is made by reference to Chapter 3 of that Part. In effect, different rules apply to the calculation under these two subsections. It is therefore possible that the calculations under these two subsections will yield different amounts.

2640.Subsection (4)(a) states the rule that, in calculating the amount of relief given to the company, no deduction is made for the relief given to the employee by sections 481 and 482 of ITEPA. These sections reduce the employment income charge by the amount of certain national insurance contributions paid by the employee.

2641.Subsection (5) rewrites the comparison in paragraphs 21(5) and 22C(5) of Schedule 23 to FA 2003 if the shares are both restricted and convertible. The company may claim relief for the higher figure (as yielded by subsection (2) or (3)) even if the employee has or will be chargeable to tax on a different amount in respect of the shares acquired.

2642.Subsection (6) deals with the case in which the employee dies before the shares are acquired so there is no employment income charge on which to calculate the relief. It is based on paragraph 27(1) of Schedule 23 to FA 2003.

2643.Strictly speaking paragraph 27(1) of Schedule 23 to FA 2003 deems the employee to be alive only for the purposes of the income tax condition in paragraph 14 of Schedule 23 to FA 2003. Subsection (6) extends that treatment to the calculation of the relief.

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