Civil Partnership Act 2004 Explanatory Notes

Section 8: Notice of proposed civil partnership and declaration

27.Subsection (1) states that for two people to register as civil partners of each other they must each give a notice of proposed civil partnership and have resided in England or Wales for at least 7 days immediately before giving the notice. The information contained in the notice may be prescribed by regulations. Subsections (3) and (4) state that a notice must include a solemn declaration in writing to be made by the person giving notice. By this declaration the proposed civil partner must confirm that he or she knows of no legal impediments to the formation of the civil partnership and confirm that each proposed civil partner has had a residence in England and Wales for at least 7 days before the notice was given. The declaration must be signed by the person giving the notice and attested by the “authorised person” (as defined by subsection (6)). Subsection (5) requires the registration authority to record in the register the fact that the notice has been given and the information in it, and that the authorised person attested the declaration.

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