Explanatory Notes

Extradition Act 2003

2003 CHAPTER 41

20th November 2003

Territorial Application: Wales

Part 1 .Extradition to Category 1 Territories

Section 11: Bars to extradition

44.This section establishes a number of statutory bars to extradition. The judge must consider whether any of these bars prevent the extradition of the person. The person must be discharged if any of the bars are applicable.


46.Sections 12 to 19 explain what is meant by each bar (subsection (2)). Subsection (3) requires the judge to order the person's discharge if any of the bars in subsection (1) apply. If the judge decides that none of the statutory bars apply, and the person is accused of being unlawfully at large after conviction (described in these notes as being a “conviction case”) then the judge must proceed under section 20 (subsection (4)). If the judge decides that none of the bars apply, and the person is accused of having committed the extradition offence (described in these notes as being an “accusation case”), then subsection (5) requires that the judge proceed to consider human rights issues under section 21.