Explanatory Notes

Special Educational Needs And Disability Act 2001

2001 CHAPTER 10

11 May 2001

Commentary on Sections

Part 2 – Disability Discrimination in Education

Chapter 2 – Further and Higher Education Institutions
Sections 26 to 34 with paragraph 2 of Schedule 3, Schedule 4, Schedule 5 and Schedule 6
Section 28: Disabled students not to be substantially disadvantaged

108.This section amends the DDA by inserting a new section 28T to place a duty on responsible bodies for further and higher education institutions to take reasonable steps to ensure that disabled students are not placed at a substantial disadvantage, in comparison to students who are not disabled, in their access to education and associated services to students.

109.The approach mirrors that in section 6 of the DDA, except that the duty under section 6 is owed to particular employees, and therefore involves no element of anticipation. The duty under this new section, in contrast, is owed at large to disabled students, and will therefore require educational institutions to consider the provision which they make for disabled students generally. The duty covers all aspects of a student's life, including academic activities and access to services which are available to him as a student.