

Section 12(2).

SCHEDULE 1Betting Duties


1In this Schedule—

General administration

2(1)General betting duty shall be under the care and management of the Commissioners and shall be accounted for by such persons, and accounted for and paid at such times and in such manner, as may be required by or under regulations of the Commissioners.

(2)Without prejudice to any other provision of this Schedule, the Commissioners may make regulations providing for any matter for which provision appears to them to be necessary for the administration or enforcement of general betting duty or for the protection of the revenue from general betting duty.

(3)Regulations under this paragraph may in particular—

(a)provide for payments on account of the duty which may become chargeable to be made in advance by means of stamps or otherwise, and for that purpose apply, with any necessary adaptations, any of the provisions of the [1891 c. 38.] Stamp Duties Management Act 1891 (including the penal provisions repealed save as to Scotland by the [1913 c. 27.] Forgery Act 1913) ;

(b)provide for such payments to be made through the persons providing, at the place where any event is or is to be held, facilities for persons engaging or proposing to engage at that place in an activity by reason of which they are or may be or become liable for duty ;

(c)require persons providing such facilities as aforesaid at any place to perform other functions in connection with the payment of or accounting for duty by persons en - aging or proposing to engage as aforesaid at that place, including the refusal to any of the last-mentioned persons of access to that place unless the requirements of any regulations made by virtue of paragraph (a) or (b) above have been complied with ;

(d)otherwise provide for the giving of security by means of a deposit or otherwise for duty due or to become due.

(4)Regulations under this paragraph may also in particular include provision—

(a)for the furnishing to such persons or displaying in such manner of such information or records as the regulations may require by persons engaging or proposing to engage in any activity by reason of which they are or may be or become liable for duty, and by persons providing facilities for another to engage in such an activity or entering into any transaction with another in the course of any such activity of his;

(b)for the keeping, preservation and production of accounts, records or other documents by persons engaging in any such activity;

(c)for the inspection of the accounts, records and other documents of persons engaging or suspected of engaging in any such activity, and of premises or equipment used or suspected of being used by such persons for or in connection with any such activity and of any other premises where any such activity is carried on.

3Pool betting duty shall be under the care and management of the Commissioners, and shall be paid at such times as the Commissioners may direct.

Notification to Commissioners as to carrying on of betting business

4(1)Any person who intends to carry on a general betting business which is not also a pool betting business shah, not less than one week before he begins to carry on the business, notify the Commissioners that he intends to carry it on.

(2)Subject to sub-paragraphs (3) and (4) below, any person who intends to carry on a general betting business or a pool betting business shall, not later than the date when he first uses any premises or totalisator for the purposes of the business, make entry of those premises or that totalisator with the Commissioners.

(3)A person shall not be required by sub-paragraph (2) above to make entry of premises used for the purposes of the business in connection only with general betting operations; but he shall, not later than the date when he first uses any premises for the purposes of the business in connection with general betting operations, notify the Commissioners of those premises being so used (whether or not he is also required by sub-paragraph (2) above to make entry of them).

(4)Where a bookmaker carries on a business which involves or may involve any sums becoming payable by him by way of pool betting duty in respect of bets made by way of coupon betting, he shall not be required by sub-paragraph (2) above to make entry of premises used for the purposes of the business in connection only with coupon betting operations; but he shall, not later than the date when he first uses any premises for the purposes of the business in connection with such operations, notify the Commissioners of those premises being so used (whether or not he is also required by sub-paragraph (2) above to make entry of them).

(5)Any bookmaker carrying on a business of the kind mentioned in sub-paragraph (4) above shall notify the Commissioners of the name of any person acting as his agent for receiving or negotiating bets made by way of coupon betting or otherwise conducting coupon betting operations, and the address of any such person (including any address at which he so acts).

(6)Any reference in sub-paragraphs (4) and (5) above to a bookmaker includes a reference to the Horserace Totalisator Board.

Requirement of permit for carrying on pool betting business

5(1)No person shall carry on a pool betting business unless he holds a permit authorising him to carry on that business granted by the Commissioners in respect of any premises or totalisator in respect of which he has made entry or given notice in accordance with paragraph 4(2) or (4) above.

(2)A permit under this paragraph shall be granted by the Commissioners within fourteen days of the date when application is made for it, and shall continue in force unless and until revoked under paragraph 12(3) below, except that—

(a)the Commissioners may refuse to grant such a permit to any person or in respect of any premises or totalisator if within the twelve months immediately preceding the application a previous permit under this paragraph granted to that person or in respect of those premises or that totalisator has been revoked under the said paragraph 12(3) • and

(b)the Commissioners may at any time revoke such a permit by notice in writing to the holder if it appears to them that the holder is not carrying on a business for which such a permit is required or is not using the premises or totalisator in respect of which the permit was granted for the purposes of such a business.

Books, records, accounts, etc.

6(1)Any person for the time being carrying on a general betting business or a pool betting business shall—

(a)keep in relation to the business such books, records and accounts in such form as the Commissioners may direct,

(b)for at least six months or such shorter or longer period as the Commissioners may direct, preserve any books, records and accounts directed to be kept by him under paragraph (a) above and any other books, records, accounts or documents relating to the business, on premises specified in sub-paragraph (2) below,

(c)permit any officer authorised in that behalf by the Commissioners to enter on any premises used for the purposes of the business, and, where the business is a general betting business, to remain on the premises at any time while they are being used, or when the officer has reasonable cause to believe that they are likely to be used, for the conduct of betting operations, and

(d)permit any officer so authorised to inspect any totalisator used for the purposes of the business, and to inspect and take copies of any books, records, accounts or other documents in his possession or power or on any premises used for the purposes of the business, being books, records, accounts or documents which relate or appear to relate to the business.

(2)The premises on which a person is to preserve any books, records, accounts or other documents under sub-paragraph (1)(b) above are—

(a)in the case of books, records, accounts and other documents relating to general betting operations, such of the premises used for the purposes of the business as the Commissioners may direct;

(b)in the case of books, records, accounts and other documents relating to coupon betting operations, premises about which the Commissioners have been notified in accordance with paragraph 4(4) above ; and

(c)in any other case, premises of which entry has been made in accordance with paragraph 4(2) above.

(3)The power of the Commissioners under sub-paragraph (1)(b) above to give directions as to the period for which a person is to preserve any books, records, accounts or documents relating to the business carried on by him shall be exercisable either in any particular case or in relation to any particular class of such books, records, accounts or documents.

7Any person for the time being carrying on a general betting business or a pool betting business, and any other person employed in, or having functions in connection with, any such business (including in particular the accountant referred to in Schedule 5 to the [1963 c. 2.] Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act 1963), shall, if required so to do by the Commissioners or any officer authorised in that behalf by the Commissioners—

(a)produce, at a time and place to be specified by the Commissioners or the officer, any such books, records, accounts or documents relating to the business,

(b)make, at times and to persons to be so specified, such returns relating to the business, and

(c)give such other information relating to the business,

as the Commissioners or the officer may require.

8Paragraphs 6 and 7 above shall apply to any agent of a bookmaker or of the Horserace Totalisator Board, being an agent whose name is required under paragraph 4(5) above to be notified to the Commissioners, as they apply to the bookmaker or the Board, except that in relation to any such agent—

(a)the place at which he is required to preserve books, records, accounts and other documents shall be an address notified under paragraph 4(5) as an address at which he acts, and

(b)any reference to the business of the bookmaker or the Board shall include any of the agent's activities in connection with the business.

9(1)The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to a bookmaker at any time when any person is for the time being, or has at any time during the immediately preceding two months been, authorised by that bookmaker to act as his agent for receiving or negotiating bets or otherwise conducting betting operations, other than such bets or operations as involve liability only to pool betting duty.

(2)The bookmaker shall maintain at any of his premises to which bets received by any such person as aforesaid as the bookmaker's agent are or were transmitted, or, if in the case of any such premises the Commissioners think fit, at such other places as the Commissioners may allow, a record in such form and containing such particulars as the Commissioners may direct in respect of any such person who is for the time being, and any such person who has at any time during the said two months been but is no longer authorised as aforesaid, being in either case a person by or on whose behalf bets received as aforesaid are or were transmitted to those premises.

(3)A bookmaker shall not be guilty of contravening or failing to comply with the provisions of sub-paragraph (2) above by reason of a failure to make an entry or alteration in the record if that entry or alteration is made before six o'clock in the evening of the day after that on which the happening which necessitated the entry or alteration took place.

Powers to enter premises and obtain information

10(1)Where in the case of any track or other premises an officer has reason to believe that bookmaking on events taking place thereon is being or is to be carried on, or that facilities for sponsored pool betting on those events are being or are to be provided, or that a totalisator is being or is to be operated in connection with those events, at a place on those premises or on any ground or premises adjacent thereto, he shall be entitled for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred by this paragraph to be admitted without payment to that place, and he may require—

(a)any person who appears to him to be or intend carrying on bookmaking, providing such facilities or operating a totalisator there to give such information as he may demand and to produce to him any accounts, records, or other documents which appear to him to be connected with the business of bookmaking or with the provision of those facilities or the operation of that totalisator or which it appears to him will establish the identity of that person; and

(b)any person who appears to him to have made a bet there with any bookmaker, or through the persons providing any such facilities, or by means of a totalisator, to give such information with respect to the bet as he may demand and to produce to him any document in connection with the bet supplied to that person by the bookmaker, the persons providing those facilities, or the operator of that totalisator, as the case may be,

and any such person as aforesaid shall comply with any such requirement.

(2)Where an officer—

(a)has reason to believe that any person who is not a bookmaker is holding himself out as mentioned in section 12(1) of this Act at any place, and

(b)has reason to suspect that person to have become liable by virtue of that section to pay an amount by way of general betting duty or pool betting duty,

the officer shall have the like powers with respect to that place as if the person so holding himself out were a bookmaker and that place were such a place as is mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) above.

Power of Commissioners to estimate general betting duty payable

11Where an amount is due on account of general betting duty from any person, but by reason of his failure to keep or to produce or furnish to the proper officer the accounts, records or other documents required under or by virtue of this Schedule, or to take or permit to be taken any other step which he is so required to take or permit to be taken, or by reason of the accounts, records, or other documents kept, produced or furnished being materially incomplete or inaccurate, the Commissioners are unable to ascertain the amount of duty properly due from him, the Commissioners may estimate the amount due; and (without prejudice to the recovery of the full amount due or to the making of a further estimate in that behalf) the amount estimated shall be recoverable as duty properly due unless in any action relating thereto the person liable proves the amount properly due, and that amount is less than the amount estimated.

Disputes as to computation of pool betting duty

12(1)If there arises between the Commissioners and a person carrying on a pool betting business any dispute as to the basis on which the pool betting duty payable by that person should be computed in connection with betting in accordance with any particular terms—

(a)the Commissioners shall by notice in writing to that person specify what in their opinion that basis should be, and

(b)in connection with betting in accordance with those terms the amount from time to time computed in accordance with that basis shall be recoverable as the duty properly due.

(2)If a person notified under sub-paragraph (1) above disputes the correctness of the basis specified by the notice—

(a)he may at any time within three months of the date of the notice, and subject to his having paid and continuing to pay the full amount which, in accordance with that basis, is due from him by way of duty, apply to the High Court or, in Scotland, to the Court of Session for a declaration as to the basis on which duty should be computed in connection with betting in accordance with the terms in question ; and

(b)if on any such application the Court makes a declaration specifying a different basis from that specified in the notice, the notice shall be amended accordingly and any amount by which duty is found to have been overpaid shall be repaid by the Commissioners together with interest thereon from the date of the overpayment at such rate as the Court may determine or, as the case may be, any amount by which duty is found to have been underpaid shall be recoverable as duty properly due.

(3)If, after a notice under sub-paragraph (1) above has been given to any person in respect of betting in accordance with particular terms, any amount determined in accordance with the basis specified in that notice which has become due from that person by way of pool betting duty in respect of such betting is not paid in accordance with paragraph 3 above, the Commissioners may by notice in writing to that person revoke his permit under paragraph 5 above.


13(1)Any person who—

(a)fails to pay any general betting duty or pool betting duty payable by him, or

(b)contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of. or of any regulations made under, paragraphs 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 above, or

(c)obstructs any officer in the exercise of his functions in relation to general betting duty or pool betting duty,

shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a penalty of £200 or treble the amount of the duty which is unpaid or payment of which is sought to be avoided, as the case may be, whichever is the greater.

(2)Where a person is convicted under sub-paragraph (1)(b) above in respect of a failure to comply with any of the provisions there referred to and the failure continues after the conviction, then, unless he has a reasonable excuse for the continuance of the failure, he shall be guilty of a further offence under that sub-paragraph and may, on conviction, be punished accordingly

(3)Any person who—

(a)in connection with general betting duty or pool betting duty, makes any statement which he knows to be false in a material particular or recklessly makes any statement which is false in a material particular or, with intent to deceive, produces or makes use of any book, account, record, return or other document which is false in a material particular, or

(b)is knowingly concerned in, or in the taking of steps with a view to the fraudulent evasion by him or any other person of general betting duty or pool betting duty,

shall be guilty of an offence and liable—

(i)on summary conviction to a penalty of the prescribed sum or, if greater, treble the amount of the duty which is unpaid or payment of which is sought to be avoided, as the case may be, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both, or

(ii)on conviction on indictment to a penalty of any amount or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.

14(1)If any person carries on any business in contravention of paragraph 5(1) above he shall be guilty of an offence and liable—

(a)on summary conviction to a penalty of the prescribed sum or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both ; or

(b)on conviction on indictment to a penalty of any amount or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both;

and in a case where the person has so carried on the business after receiving notice under paragraph 12(3) above, he shall be liable on summary conviction to an additional penalty of £25 for each day after the date of that notice on which he has so carried on his business.

(2)Where a person is convicted of an offence under sub-paragraph (1) above and the offence continues after the conviction, he shall be guilty of a further offence under that sub-paragraph and may, on conviction, be punished accordingly.

(3)If at any time the holder of a permit under paragraph 5 above fails to produce his permit for examination within such period, and at such time and place, as may be reasonably required by an officer, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty of £20.

15(1)Where, on the conviction of any person of an offence under paragraph 13(1) or (3) above in connection with general betting duty (not being an offence consisting in contravening or failing to comply with any of the provisions of paragraphs 4, 6, 7, 8 or 9 above) the Commissioners—

(a)certify to the court by or before whom that person is so convicted that the conviction is a second or subsequent conviction for such an offence committed (whether by that or some other person) in the course of the operation of the same premises as a betting office and while the same person has been the holder of a betting office licence in respect thereof, and

(b)make application to that court for effect to be given to this sub-paragraph,

that court shall order that the betting office licence in respect of those premises shall be forfeited and cancelled.

(2)A licence shall not be forfeited or cancelled under such an order made by a court in England or Wales—

(a)until the date of expiration of the period within which notice of appeal against the conviction which gave rise to the order may be given, or

(b)if notice of appeal against that conviction is duly given within the period aforesaid, until the date of the determination or abandonment of the appeal, or

(c)if on any such appeal the appeal is allowed.

(3)A licence shall not be forfeited or cancelled under such an order made by a court in Scotland—

(a)until the expiration of the period of fourteen days commencing with the date on which the order was made, or

(b)if an appeal against the conviction which gave rise to the order is begun within the said period, until the date when that appeal is determined or abandoned or deemed to have been abandoned, or

(c)if on any such appeal the appeal is allowed.

(4)Where a betting office licence held by any person in respect of any premises is forfeited and cancelled in pursuance of an order under sub-paragraph (1) above, the clerk of the court by whom the order was made shall, unless he is also clerk to the appropriate authority within the meaning of Schedule 1 to the [1963 c. 2.] Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act 1963 who last either granted or renewed the licence, send a copy of the order to the clerk to that authority ; and, without prejudice to the renewal by that authority of any other betting office licence held by that person, that authority shall, notwithstanding anything in paragraph 20(1) of the said Schedule 1, refuse any application by that person for the grant of a new betting office licence in respect of those or any other premises made less than twelve months after that forfeiture and cancellation.

16(1)If a justice of the peace or, in Scotland, a justice (within the meaning of section 462 of the [1975 c. 21.] Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1975) is satisfied on information on oath that there is reasonable ground for suspecting that an offence in connection with general betting duty is being, has been, or is about to be committed on any premises, he may issue a warrant in writing authorising any officer to enter those premises (if necessary by force) at any time within fourteen days from the time of the issue of the warrant and search them.

(2)An officer who enters premises under the authority of such a warrant may—

(a)seize and remove any records, accounts or other documents, money or valuable thing, instrument or other thing whatsoever found on the premises which he has reasonable cause to believe may be required as evidence for the purposes of proceedings in respect of such an offence, and

(b)search any person found on the premises whom he has reasonable cause to believe to be carrying on bookmaking on the premises.