

SCHEDULE 9Modification and Re-enactment as from 1st April 1965 of Enactments Relating to Sewerage and Drainage

PART IGeneral Modifications of Sewerage Provisions of Public Health Acts

1Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the Greater London Council as well as the council of a London borough or county district shall be a local authority for the purposes of the enactments mentioned in section 37 (1) of this Act and accordingly shall be a sewerage authority within the definition of that term in section 90 of the Public Health Act 1936, and any reference in those enactments to the district of a local authority shall, in relation to the Greater London Council, be construed as a reference to the sewerage area of the Greater London Council.

2Subject as aforesaid, any such enactment conferring on a local authority any function with respect to the provision, construction or acquisition of, or other dealing with, a sewer or sewage disposal works or any function in connection with drainage shall—

(a)so far as the enactment relates to a main sewer or sewage disposal works primarily serving the sewerage area of the Greater London Council, have effect as if any reference to a local authority were a reference to that Council;

(b)so far as the enactment relates to a sewer primarily serving that area other than a main sewer or to drainage in that area, have effect as if any reference to a local authority were a reference to the council of a London borough or county district, as the case may be:

Provided that this paragraph shall not affect the exercise of any function with respect to a main sewer or sewage disposal works primarily serving that area so long as the sewer or works remains vested in the council of a London borough or county district.

3The following provisions, that is to say—

(a)the enactments mentioned in section 37 (1) of this Act, so far as they relate to functions exercisable (by virtue of the two foregoing paragraphs) by the Greater London Council, and

(b)section 27 of the Public Health Act 1936 and Part XII of that Act so far as it relates to that section,

shall extend to the City and the Temples, but save as aforesaid and except as provided by paragraph 4 of this Part of this Schedule those enactments shall not apply to the City or the Temples.

4The Minister may, on the application of the Common Council, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple, as the case may be, and after consultation with the Greater London Council, extend to the City, the Inner Temple or the Middle Temple the enactments mentioned in section 37 (1) of this Act and the provisions of Part III of this Schedule, so far as they do not otherwise extend there, subject, however, to such exceptions and modifications as may be specified in the order ; and any such order may, so far as it appears to the Minister to be necessary or proper for the purposes or in consequence of any of the provisions of the order, modify section 35 (3) of this Act, the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Schedule and the provisions of Part II of this Schedule.