
16Pending representative actions, etc

(1)Subject to the provisions of section 21 (Ecumenical churches) of this Act, any action, arbitration or proceeding which shall on the date of unification be pending by or against representatives of any dissolved association shall not abate or be discontinued or be in any way prejudically affected by reason of the provisions of this Act or of anything empowered to be done thereunder but the same may be prosecuted and continued as if this Act had not been passed.

(2)Any cause of action, arbitration or proceeding which shall on the date of unification be existing against or in favour of persons representative of any dissolved association shall not be prejudically affected by reason of the provisions of this Act or of anything empowered to be done thereunder, but the same may be enforced against or by such representative persons as shall be nominated for the purpose by the Assembly Moderator as and when it might have been enforced if this Act had not been passed.