
Part IIWorks

9Power to dredge

(1)Subject to the provisions of this Act the appropriate company may from time to time for the purpose of the construction, maintenance, alteration, improvement, diversion or user of the works, deepen, dredge, scour and improve and remove obstructions from the bed, foreshore and banks of the river adjoining or near to the works.

(2)The appropriate company may use, appropriate and dispose of the materials from time to time dredged by them from the river:

Provided that no such materials shall be deposited below the level of high water except in such places and in accordance with such restrictions or regulations as may be approved or prescribed by the Secretary of State nor shall such materials be deposited on the foreshore or bed of the river without the consent of A.B. Ports.

(3)(a)Nothing in this section shall authorise any interference with any subaqueous cable belonging to or used by British Telecommunications plc.

(b)As early as possible, and in any event not less than 28 days, before any exercise of their powers under subsection (1) above within a distance of 50 yards of any subaqueous cable belonging to or used by British Telecommunications plc, the appropriate company shall give notice in writing to British Telecommunications plc of such intended exercise.

(4)No materials dredged up or removed under the powers of this section shall be laid down or deposited in any place or manner so as to cover any subaqueous cable belonging to or used by British Telecommunications plc or any submarine gas main placed or maintained by British Gas plc or to impede in any way the inspection, maintenance, removal or renewal of any such cable or main.