
Part 2Mission and pastoral committees

2Appointment of mission and pastoral committees

(1)The diocesan synod of every diocese shall establish a committee which shall have the functions conferred on it under this Measure.

(2)The committee established under subsection (1) may be called by such name as the diocesan synod may decide but, in this Measure and in any other enactment, instrument or document, shall be known as the mission and pastoral committee.

(3)The mission and pastoral committee shall not be the same body as the pastoral committee established under section 1 of the 1983 Measure unless it is reconstituted in accordance with subsection (4) but, otherwise, subject to that subsection, may be an existing body or a new body established to carry out the functions referred to in subsection (1) and may have other functions in addition to those functions.

(4)The diocesan synod shall provide the mission and pastoral committee with a written constitution or, if the committee is reconstituted as mentioned in subsection (3), an amended or new written constitution, which shall comply with the provisions of Schedule 1.

(5)The mission and pastoral committee shall present annually to the diocesan synod a report on its activities during the preceding year and shall also present annually to the Commissioners a report on the exercise of its functions under section 3(3)(e).

3Functions of mission and pastoral committees

(1)In carrying out any of its functions the mission and pastoral committee shall, without prejudice to section 1, have regard to worship, mission and community as central to the life and work of the Church of England.

(2)In carrying out any of its functions the mission and pastoral committee shall also have regard to—

(a)the financial implications for the diocese and the Church of England as a whole;

(b)subject to subsection (5), the need to allocate appropriate spheres of work and to ensure that appropriate conditions of service are enjoyed by those employed or holding office in the diocese and, where relevant, that reasonable remuneration is provided for all those engaged in the cure of souls;

(c)the traditions, needs and characteristics of particular parishes; and

(d)any other aspects of the policies of the diocesan synod to which the synod has requested the committee to have regard in discharging its responsibilities.

(3)It shall be the duty of the mission and pastoral committee—

(a)to make or assist in making better provision for the cure of souls in the diocese as a whole and, to the extent that the committee thinks appropriate, in particular parts of the diocese or in particular parishes;

(b)from time to time, as the bishop may direct, or as the committee thinks fit, to review arrangements for pastoral supervision and care in the diocese as a whole and, to the extent that the committee thinks appropriate, in particular parts of the diocese or in particular parishes (including sharing agreements in respect of a church or parsonage house and any proposals for sharing agreements);

(c)from time to time, as the bishop may direct, or as the committee thinks fit, to prepare strategies or proposals for carrying out the committee’s functions under paragraphs (a) and (b) for submission to the bishop and the diocesan synod for their approval;

(d)to maintain an overview of matters relating to church buildings in the diocese and their use, other than matters which are within the jurisdiction of the consistory court or within the functions of the Diocesan Advisory Committee;

(e)in the case of listed buildings or buildings in a conservation area, to make, in accordance with section 55, every endeavour to find a suitable alternative use or suitable alternative uses for churches which are proposed to be closed and buildings which have been closed for regular public worship in the diocese under a pastoral church buildings scheme and, in the case of any other such building, to develop proposals for the suitable alternative use or uses of the building or for the demolition of the building and the disposal of its site;

(f)where it considers it desirable, to make recommendations to the bishop in accordance with section 6 or 21 for any of the matters for which provision may be made under this Measure (other than section 50) by a pastoral scheme or order; and

(g)to carry out any other functions conferred upon a mission and pastoral committee of a diocese by any enactment.

(4)The mission and pastoral committee shall, in carrying out any of its functions, to the extent that it thinks appropriate, consult any other persons or bodies, whether within the Church of England or not, which exercise functions or carry out activities relevant to the functions of the committee.

(5)Nothing in this section shall enable the mission and pastoral committee—

(a)to exercise functions conferred on any other person or body by or under any enactment, or

(b)to fix or alter the terms of service of any person employed or holding office in the diocese.

4Conventional districts

It shall be the duty of the mission and pastoral committee of a diocese from time to time as may be directed by the bishop, and in any event at least once every five years, to review the arrangements for pastoral supervision in each conventional district in the diocese and, in cases where they consider it desirable, to make recommendations to the bishop in accordance with section 6 or 21 for any of the matters for which provision may be made under this Measure (other than section 50) by a pastoral scheme or pastoral order.