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The offencesN.I.

Human traffickingN.I.

2—(1) A person (“A”) commits an offence if A arranges or facilitates the travel of another person (“B”) with a view to B being exploited.

(2) A may in particular arrange or facilitate B's travel by recruiting B, transporting or transferring B, harbouring or receiving B, or transferring or exchanging control over B.

(3) A arranges or facilitates B's travel with a view to B being exploited only if—

(a)A intends to exploit B (in any part of the world) during or after the travel, or

(b)A knows or ought to know that another person is likely to exploit B (in any part of the world) during or after the travel.

(4) “Travel” means—

(a)arriving in, or entering, any country,

(b)departing from any country,

(c)travelling within any country.

(5) The consent of B to any act which forms part of an offence under this section is irrelevant.

(6) A person to whom this subsection applies commits an offence under this section regardless of—

(a)where the arranging or facilitating takes place, or

(b)where the travel takes place.

(7) Any other person commits an offence under this section if—

(a)any part of the arranging or facilitating takes place in the United Kingdom, or

(b)the travel consists of arrival in or entry into, departure from, or travel within the United Kingdom.

(8) Subsection (6) applies to—

(a)a UK national;

(b)a person who at the time of the offence was habitually resident in Northern Ireland; and

(c)a body incorporated under the law of a part of the United Kingdom.

(9) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life.