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Section 27.


1  Schedules 1 and 2 and 4 to 9 to the Wildlife Order are amended as follows.N.I.

2—(1) Schedule 1 (birds which are protected by special penalties) is amended as follows.N.I.

(2) In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entry—

Common nameScientific name
CuckooCuculus canorus
CurlewNumenius arquata
Dove, StockColumba oenas
Egret, LittleEgretta garzetta
Flycatcher, SpottedMusciapa striata
Gull, MediterraneanLarus melanocephalus
GyrfalconFalco rusticolus
HobbyFalco subbuteo
Kite, RedMilvus milvus
LapwingVanellus vanellus
Martin, SandRiparia riparia
Owl, SnowyBubo scandiacus
PuffinFratercula arctica
RedshankTringa totanus
Shearwater, ManxPuffinus puffinus
Sparrow, TreePasser montanus
WhinchatSaxicola rubetra
Whitethroat, LesserSylvia curruca
YellowhammerEmberiza citrinella

(3) In Part 1 omit the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
FieldfareTurdus pilaris
FirecrestRegulus ignicapillus
Phalarope, Red–neckedPhalaropus lobatus
Tit, BeardedPanurus biarmicus

3—(1) Schedule 2 (birds which may be taken or killed) is amended as follows.N.I.

(2) In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entry—

Common nameScientific name
Duck, RuddyOxyura jamaicensis

(3) In Part 1 omit the following entry—

Common nameScientific name
CurlewNumenius arquata

4—(1) Schedule 4 (birds which may be shown for competition purposes) is amended as follows.N.I.

(2) At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
BlackbirdTurdus merula
Crossbill (all species)Loxia (all species)
DunnockPrunella modularis
HawfinchCoccothraustes coccothraustes
RedstartPhoenicurus phoenicurus
StonechatSaxicola torquata
Thrush, MistleTurdus viscivorus
Thrush, SongTurdus philomelos
Tit, BlueCyanistes caeruleus
Tit, CoalPeriparus ater
Tit, GreatParus major
Tit, Long tailedAegithalos caudatus
Tit, MarshPoecile palustris
Wagtail, PiedMotacilla alba yarrelli
Wagtail, YellowMotacilla flava
WaxwingBombycilla garrulus

5—(1) Schedule 5 (animals which are protected at all times) is amended as follows.N.I.

(2) At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
Butterfly, Real's Wood WhiteLeptidea reali
Crayfish, White-ClawedAustropotamobius pallipes
Damselfly, IrishCoenagrion lunulatum
Lobster, SpinyPalinurus elaphus
Mussel, FanAtrina fragilis
Seahorse, Short SnoutedHippocampus hippocampus
Seahorse, SpinyHippocampus guttulatus
Skate, Common (in respect of Article 10(1) only and with respect to coastal waters only)Dipturus batis
Shark, Angel (in respect of Article 10(1) only and with respect to coastal waters only)Squatina squatina
Shark, BaskingCetorhinus maximus

(3) After the Note at the end of the Schedule insert— “ Note 2. In this Schedule “coastal waters” means the part of the territorial waters adjacent to Northern Ireland which is not more than 6 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of those waters is measured; and “nautical mile” means an international nautical mile of 1,872 metres. ”.

6—(1) Schedule 6 (animals which may not be taken or killed by certain methods) is amended as follows.N.I.

(2) At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
Crayfish, White-ClawedAustropotamobius pallipes
Lobster, SpinyPalinurus elaphus
Mussel, FanAtrina fragilis
Seahorse, Short SnoutedHippocampus hippocampus
Seahorse, SpinyHippocampus guttulatus
Shark, BaskingCetorhinus maximus
Shrew, PygmySorexminutus

7—(1) Schedule 7 (animals which may not be sold alive or dead at any time) is amended as follows.N.I.

(2) At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
Butterfly, Real's Wood WhiteLeptidea reali
Crayfish, White-ClawedAustropotamobius pallipes
Damselfly, IrishCoenagrion lunulatum
Lobster, SpinyPalinurus elaphus
Mussel, FanAtrina fragilis
Seahorse, Short SnoutedHippocampus hippocampus
Seahorse, SpinyHippocampus guttulatus
Shark, BaskingCetorhinus maximus

(3) Omit the following entry—

Common nameScientific name
FoxVulpes vulpes

8—(1) Schedule 8 (plants which are protected) is amended as follows.N.I.

(2) In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
Beak–sedge, BrownRhynchospora fusca
Birds-footOrnithopus perpusillus
Bristle-moss, Spruce'sOrthotrichum sprucei
Burnet, GreatSanguisorba officinalis
Clubmoss, AlpineDiphasiastrum alpinum
Clubmoss, MarshLycopodiella inundata
Clubmoss, Stag's HornLycopodium clavatum
Cranesbill, MeadowGeranium pratense
DodderCuscuta epithymum
Feather-moss, ElegantEurhynchiastrum pulchellum
Fern, ParsleyCryptogramma crispa
Figwort, GreenScrophularia umbrosa
Gentian, AutumnGentianella amarella
HenbaneHyoscyamus niger
Hornwort, SoftCeratophyllum submersum
Jelly-lichen, RiverCollema dichotomum
JuniperJuniperus communis
LichenEnterographa elaborata
LichenLobaria virens
Meadow-rue, AlpineThalictrum alpinum
Notchwort, RaggedLeiocolea heterocolpos
Orchid, Dense-floweredNeotinea maculata
Orchid, Lapland MarshDactylorhiza lapponica
Orchid, Narrow-leaved MarshDactylorhiza traunsteineri
PetalwortPetalophyllum ralfsii
Sea-kaleCrambe maritima
Sedge, StiffCarex bigelowii
Small-reed, WoodCalamagrostis epigejos
St John's Wort, HairyHypericum hirsutum
Thistle, MelancholyCirsium heterophyllum
Thread-moss, SlenderOrthodontium gracile
Vetch, Wood BitterVicia orobus
Wormwood, SeaSeriphidium maritimum

(3) In Part 1, omit the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
Barley, WoodHordelymus europaeus
BetonyStachys officinalis
Clubmoss, MarshLycopodium inundatum
Orchid, Bird's NestNeottia nidus–avis
Orchid, Narrow-leaved MarshDactylorchis traunsteineri
Pea, MarshLathyrus palustris
PillwortPilularia globulifera
Thistle, MelancholyCirsium helenioides
Waterwort, Eight–stamenedElatine hydropiper

(4) In Part 2 at the appropriate place in alphabetical order insert the following entry—

Common nameScientific name
BluebellHyacinthoides non-scripta

9—(1) Schedule 9 (animals and plants to which Article 15 applies) is amended as follows.N.I.

(2) In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
Amphipod, FreshwaterCrangonyx pseudogracilis
Crayfish, SignalPacifastacus leniusculus
Crayfish, Narrow-clawedAstacus leptodactylus
Crayfish, NobleAstacus astacus
Crayfish, Spiny-cheekOrconectes limosus
Crayfish, MarbledProcambarus sp.
Deer, Chinese waterHydropotes inermis
Deer, MuntjacMuntiacus reevesi
Deer, RoeCapreolus capreolus
Duck, MandarinAix galericulata
Hare, BrownLepus europaeus
Hedgehog (with respect to islands in territorial waters only)Erinaceus europaeus
Fox (with respect to islands in territorial waters only)Vulpes vulpes
Limpet, SlipperCrepidula fornicata
Mussel, ZebraDreissena polymorpha
Rat, Common Brown (with respect to islands in territorial waters only)Rattus norvegicus
Sea squirtDidemnum vexillum
Sea squirt, ClubStyela clava
Shrimp, FreshwaterGammarus pulex
Shrimp, FreshwaterGammarus tigrinus
Shrimp, Japanese skeletonCaprella mutica
Stoat, Irish (with respect to islands in territorial waters only)Mustela erminea hibernicus

(3) In Part 1 omit the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
Duck, Carolina WoodAix sponsa
GoshawkAccipiter gentilis
Pheasant, GoldenChrysolophus pictus

(4) In Part 2 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
Balsam, HimalayanImpatiens glandulifera.
Bluebell, SpanishHyacinthoides hispanica
Cabbage, SkunkLysichiton americanum
Eelgrass, DwarfZostera japonica
FanwortCabomba caroliniana
Fig, HottentotCarpobrotus edulis
Honeysuckle, JapaneseLonicera japonica
Kelp, JapaneseUndaria pinnatifida
Knotweed, GiantFallopia sachalinensis
Knotweed, HimalayanPolygonum wallichii
Knotweed, JapaneseFallopia japonica
Leek, Few-floweredAllium paradoxum
Mile-A-Minute WeedPolygonum perfoliatum
Parrot's FeatherMyriophyllum aquaticum
Pennywort, FloatingHydrocotyle ranunculoides
Reed, GiantArundo donax
Rhubarb, GiantGunnera tinctoria
SalmonberryRubus spectabilis
Salvinia, GiantSalvinia molesta
Sea-buckthornHippophae rhamnoides
Stonecrop, Australian swampCrassula helmsii
Water ChestnutTrapa natans
Water FernAzolla filiculoides
Water LettucePistia stratiotes
Water PrimroseLudwigia
Water SoldierStratiotes aloides
Waterlily, FringedNymphoides peltata
Waterweeds (all species)Elodea (all species)
Waterweed, CurlyLagarosiphon major
Waterweed, Large floweredEgeria densa

(5) In Part 2 omit the following entries—

Common nameScientific name
KnotweedReynoutria sachalinensis
Knotweed, JapaneseReynoutria japonica

(6) After the Note at the end of the Schedule insert— “ Note 2. In this Schedule “territorial waters” means the territorial waters adjacent to Northern Ireland. ”.