Housing (Wales) Measure 2011 Explanatory Notes

  • Nodiadau Esboniadol Tabl o’r Cynnwys
  1. Introduction

  2. Commentary on Sections

    1. Chapter 1 – Directions Suspending the Right to Buy and Related Rights

      1. Section 1 – Power to apply for direction suspending the right to buy and related rights

      2. Section 2 – Consultation

      3. Section 3 – Application for direction suspending the right to buy

      4. Section 4 – Consideration by the Welsh Ministers of an application

      5. Section 5 – Decision of the Welsh Ministers on the application

      6. Section 6 – Issue of direction

    2. Chapter 2 - Variation of Direction to Suspend the Right to Buy

      1. Section 7 – Meaning of “enlarging variation” and “reducing variation”

      2. Section 8 – Enlarging variation: power to apply

      3. Section 9 – Enlarging variation: consultation

      4. Section 10 – Application for enlarging variation

      5. Section 11 – Consideration by the Welsh Ministers of an application for an enlarging variation

      6. Section 12 – Decision of the Welsh Ministers on the application

      7. Section 13 – Issue of direction as varied to include enlarging elements

      8. Section 14 - Reducing variation: power to apply

      9. Section 15 – Application for reducing variation

      10. Section 16 – Decision of the Welsh Ministers on the application

      11. Section 17 – Issue of direction as varied to include reducing elements

    3. Chapter 3 – Extension of Direction Suspending the Right to Buy

      1. Section 18 – Extension applications: power to apply

      2. Section 19 – Extension applications: consultation

      3. Section 20 – Application for extension

      4. Section 21 – Decision of the Welsh Ministers on the application

      5. Section 22 – Issue of direction as extended

    4. Chapter 4 – Revocation of Direction Suspending the Right to Buy

      1. Sections 23 and 24 Revocation of direction

      2. Section 25 – Decision of the Welsh Ministers on the application

    5. Chapter 5: Applications: General Provisions

      1. Section 26 – Withdrawal of application

      2. Section 27 – Provision of further information

      3. Section 28 – Publication of directions

      4. Section 29 – Restriction on repeat applications

      5. Section 30 – Guidance

    6. Chapter  6: Amendments to the Housing Act 1985

      1. Section 31 – Consequence of the Welsh Ministers deciding to consider certain applications

      2. Section 32 – Effect of direction to suspend the right to buy

    7. Chapter 7: Miscellaneous

      1. Section 33 - Interpretation of Part 1

      2. Section 34 – Consequential etc orders

    8. Part 2: Registered Social Landlords

      1. Chapter 1: Performance

        1. Section 35 - Standards of performance

        2. Section 36 - Guidance on standards of performance

        3. Section 37 - Consultation

        4. Section 38 - Information as to levels of performance

        5. Section 39 - Guidance about complaints about performance

        6. Section 40 - Consultation

      2. Chapter 2 - Voluntary Undertakings

        1. Section 41 - Voluntary Undertakings

      3. Chapter 3 - Regulation

        1. Survey and examination

          1. Section 42 - Failure to give notice to occupiers

          2. Sections 43 to 48: Inspection

          3. Section 43 - Inspection: Overview and application

          4. Section 44 - Inspection

          5. Section 45 - Inspection: supplemental

          6. Section 46 - Inspector’s powers to require provision of documents or information

          7. Section 47 - Inspector’s powers to require provision of documents or information: supplemental

          8. Section 48 - Inspector’s powers of entry and inspection

        2. Inquiry

          1. Section 49 - Extraordinary audit for the purposes of inquiry

      4. Chapter 4 – Enforcement

        1. Section 50 - Welsh Ministers’ enforcement powers: general

        2. Section 51 - Exercise of enforcement powers

        3. Enforcement Notice

          1. Section 52 - Grounds for giving notice

          2. Section 53 - Content

          3. Section 54 - Appeal

          4. Section 55 - Withdrawal

          5. Section 56 - Sanction

        4. Penalty

          1. Section 57 - Grounds for imposition

          2. Section 58 - Imposition

          3. Section 59 - Amount

          4. Section 60 - Warning

          5. Section 61 - Representations

          6. Section 62 - Enforcement

          7. Section 63 - Appeal

        5. Compensation

          1. Section 64 - Grounds for Award

          2. Section 65 - Persons to whom compensation may be awarded

          3. Section 66 - Award

          4. Section 67 - Impact

          5. Section 68 - Warning

          6. Section 69 - Representations

          7. Section 70 - Enforcement

          8. Section 71 - Appeal

        6. Management and constitution of registered social landlords

          1. Section 72 - Management Tender

          2. Section 73 - Management tender: supplemental

          3. Section 74 - Management Transfer

          4. Section 75 - Management Transfer: supplemental

          5. Section 76 - Appointment of manager of registered social landlord

          6. Section 77- Appointment of manger: supplemental

          7. Section 78 - Amalgamation

        7. Amendments relating to inquiries or audits

          1. Section 79 - Restrictions on dealings during an inquiry

          2. Section 80 - Restrictions on dealings following an inquiry or extraordinary audit

          3. Section 81 - Disqualification of removed person

          4. Section 82 - Acting while disqualified

      5. Chapter 5- Miscellaneous and General Provisions

        1. Section 83 - Insolvency, etc. of registered social landlord: appointment of interim manager

        2. Section 84 - Removal of officers

        3. Section 85 - Appointment of new officers

        4. Section 86 - Charities that have “received public assistance”

        5. Section 87 - Minor definitions

        6. Section 88 - Minor and consequential amendments

    9. Part 3- Supplementary and Final Provisions

      1. Section 89 - Orders

      2. Section 90 - Commencement

      3. Section 91 - Short Title

    10. Schedule

  3. Record of Proceedings in the Assembly

  • Nodiadau Esboniadol Tabl o’r Cynnwys

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