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ANNEX I CU.K.Requirements for construction, testing, installation, and inspection

Appendix 2


3.5. Command descriptions U.K.

This command is used to verify the integrity and authenticity of the DSRC message and to decipher the data communicated from a VU to a control authority or a workshop over the DSRC link. The card derives the encryption key and the MAC key used to secure the DSRC message as described in Appendix 11 Part B chapter 13.

Only the control card and the workshop card are required to support this command in the DF Tachograph_G2.

Other types of tachograph cards may or may not implement this command, but shall not have a DSRC master key. Therefore these cards cannot perform the command successfully, but terminate with a suitable error code.

The command may or may not be accessible in the MF and / or the DF Tachograph. If so, the command shall terminate with a suitable error code.

TCS_135The DSRC master key is accessible only in the DF Tachograph_G2, i.e. the control and workshop card shall support a successful execution of the command only in the DF Tachograph_G2.U.K.
TCS_136The command shall only decrypt the DSRC data and verify the cryptographic checksum, but not interpret the input data.U.K.
TCS_137The order of the data objects in the command data field is fixed by this specification.U.K.
TCS_138 Command Message U.K.
CLA1‘80h’Proprietary CLA
INS1‘2Ah’Perform Security Operation
P11‘80h’Response data: plain value
P21‘B0h’Command data: plain value encoded in BER-TLV and including SM DOs
Lc1‘NNh’Length Lc of the subsequent data field
#6-#(5+L)L‘87h’ + L87 + ‘XX..XXh’

DER-TLV encoded padding-content indicator byte followed by encrypted tachograph payload. For the padding-content indicator byte the value ‘00h’ (‘no further indication’ according to ISO/IEC 7816-4:2013 Table 52) shall be used. For the encryption mechanism see Appendix 11, Part B chapter 13.

Allowed values for the length L87 are the multiples of the AES block length plus 1 for the padding-content indicator byte, i.e. from 17 bytes up to and including 193 bytes.

Note: See ISO/IEC 7816-4:2013 Table 49 for the SM data object with tag ‘87h’.

‘81h’ + ‘10h’

DER-TLV encoded Control Reference Template for Confidentiality nesting the concatenation of the following data elements (see Appendix 1 DSRCSecurityData and Appendix 11 Part B chapter 13):

  • 4 byte time stamp

  • 3 byte counter

  • 8 byte VU serial number

  • 1 byte DSRC master key version

Note: See ISO/IEC 7816-4:2013 Table 49 for the SM data object with tag ‘81h’.

‘8Eh’ + L8E + ‘XX..XXh’

DER-TLV encoded MAC over the DSRC message. For the MAC algorithm and calculation see Appendix 11, Part B chapter 13.

Note: See ISO/IEC 7816-4:2013 Table 49 for the SM data object with tag ‘8Eh’.

[F15 + L + 1 1 00h As specified in ISO/IEC 7816-4]
TCS_139 Response Message U.K.
#1-#LL‘XX..XXh’Absent (in case of an error) or deciphered data (padding removed)
SW2‘XXXXh’Status Words (SW1,SW2)