
Part 11Miscellaneous and general

Keeper’s functions

108Provision of services by the Keeper

(1)The Keeper may provide consultancy, advisory or other commercial services.

(2)Those services need not relate to the law and practice of registration.

(3)The terms on which those services are provided (including the fees charged for provision of them) are to be such as may be agreed between the Keeper and those provided with them.

(4)If the Keeper considers it expedient to do so in connection with the provision of any of those services, the Keeper may (either or both)—

(a)form, or participate in the forming of, a body corporate or other entity,

(b)purchase, or invest in, a body corporate or other entity.

(5)This section does not affect any other power or duty of the Keeper.

109Performance of Keeper’s functions during vacancy in office etc.

(1)This section applies where—

(a)there is a vacancy in the office of the Keeper or the Keeper is incapable by reason of ill health of performing the Keeper’s functions, and

(b)no person has been authorised by the Scottish Ministers, under section 1(6) of the Public Registers and Records (Scotland) Act 1948 (c.57), to perform the functions of the Keeper.

(2)A member of the Keeper’s staff may perform the Keeper’s functions.

(3)Any function performed by a member of the Keeper’s staff by virtue of subsection (2) is to be treated as if it had been performed by the Keeper.