Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Deposit and return schemes: designation of scheme administrator

176.Section 85 sets out the detail of the Scottish Ministers’ powers to designate, by order, a scheme administrator. The administrator may be a new or an existing body. If an existing body is chosen, it is highly unlikely that its existing powers and functions will match those required for the administrator. Subsection (2), therefore, allows the Scottish Ministers to alter the functions of an existing body accordingly. In subsection (3) particular mention is made of powers to borrow or charge, which will be necessary to fund the operation of the scheme.

177.Similarly, while it is common for the Scottish Ministers to have powers to direct bodies which have a relationship with Government (SEPA being an obvious example), Ministers do not have such powers over all bodies to whom the functions of scheme administrator might be given. Subsection (4) ensures that such directions may be given, but only in respect of a deposit and return scheme. Thus, should a body which is not currently subject to a power of direction by the Scottish Ministers be given the functions of scheme administrator, the Ministers could direct it only in respect of those functions. Its pre-existing functions which were not subject to a power of direction would remain unaffected.

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