52.This section gives the RMA two roles. It enables the RMA to:
administer any scheme set up by the Scottish Ministers for the purpose of accrediting the processes of assessing and monitoring risk and practitioners who work in the area of risk assessment and minimisation. The RMA’s function in this respect extends to awarding, suspending or withdrawing accreditation;
carry out or commission relevant educational and training activities.
53.The section also empowers the Scottish Ministers to make regulations to establish appropriate accreditation schemes for the RMA to administer. The accreditation may cover any RMA-sponsored education or training and may also recognise other relevant experience or qualifications held. For example, the accreditation may recognise relevant qualification previously obtained, or obtained from a source other than the RMA. As respects the processes of assessing and minimising risk, the accreditation will provide recognition of the effectiveness of any method and practices which may be employed in that regard.