International Criminal Court (Scotland) Act 2001 Explanatory Notes

Part 1 – Production or access orders

51.Part 1 sets out the provisions which govern the making of court orders or warrants for the production of, or access to, material. Paragraph 2 sets out the grounds upon which the court may make an order under this Part.

52.Paragraph 3 provides that a standard production or access order will require a named individual either to produce the specified material or material of a specified description to a constable (production order) or to give the constable access to this material (access order). The material should be produced within a specified period, normally 7 days, although this can be shortened or lengthened by the court.

53.Paragraph 4 provides that a special production or access order may be made in relation to a person if the sheriff thinks it is likely that the person will have relevant material in his or her possession within 28 days. Such an order will require a named individual to notify a named constable when the information comes into his or her possession. This provision will allow for information that will in the future come into a person’s possession (or come into existence) to be obtained quickly. It is substantially based on Schedule 5 to the Terrorism Act 2000.

54.Part 1 of the schedule contains further provision concerning the procedure in relation to orders (paragraph 5) and the effect of such orders (paragraph 6).

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