Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 Explanatory Notes

Section 184 – End of fixed term

422.A contract made for a fixed term agreed between landlord and contract-holder ends at the expiry of that term. But where the contract-holder remains in occupation following the end of the fixed term, a new periodic standard contract will automatically be created.

423.The occupation date for the new contract immediately follows the end of the fixed term and the rental periods remain as they were. The fundamental and supplementary terms of the new contract will be those applying to periodic standard contracts. The terms of the preceding contract will otherwise continue to apply, so far as compatible with the new fundamental and supplementary terms.

424.Instead of a new periodic standard contract arising automatically in the way described above, a landlord and contract-holder may agree a new contract in the normal way, with an occupation date immediately following the end of the fixed term.

425.If, on or before the occupation date of the new contract, the contract-holder does something which would otherwise cause the new contract to end, that will not have the effect of ending the contract.

426.Where a periodic standard contract arises under subsection (2) following the end of a fixed term standard contract there is no requirement for the landlord to again provide the contract-holder with an address to which documents can be sent under the term of the contract incorporating section 39(1). The address of the landlord will not have altered purely as a consequence of the creation of the new periodic standard contract.

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