Section 109 – Liability of Keeper
463.This section provides for the Keeper to compensate any person who has suffered a loss in consequence of a matter specified in subsection (1). Liability under subsection (1) is strict, in that the person does not have to show that the Keeper is at fault (as opposed to, say, arising from an unavoidable malfunction of the Keeper’s automated systems). However, subsection (2) limits the losses that can be recovered by excluding certain types of claim.
464.Subsection (3) provides more information about what is meant in subsection (1)(a) by “an inaccuracy which is attributable to the making up, maintenance or operation of the register”. It provides that an inaccuracy in information included in an entry in the statutory pledges record when the entry is made up, revised for an amendment document or corrected is not covered by subsection (1)(a) to the extent that the Keeper has been misled into making the inaccuracy and reasonably believed the information to be accurate. Subsection (4) provides that circumstances in which the Keeper is entitled to reasonably believe information to be accurate include if it is provided in connection with an application to which the entry relates, or by the court. As such, if the Keeper faithfully replicates the information provided in an application form and that information proves to be incorrect, that is not an inaccuracy for which the Keeper is liable, though the person who submitted the application may be liable under section 110. Subsection (4) is not exhaustive of the circumstances in which the Keeper is entitled to reasonably believe that information is accurate.