Section 99 – Response to application for correction under section 98(6)
416.This section makes provision about what happens where an application is made to the Keeper for a correction under section 98(6) (i.e. following a failure by the registered secured creditor to comply with a demand under section 98(1)).
417.The Keeper must accept an application that meets the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1), and, under subsection (2), must reject one that does not.
418.On accepting an application, subsection (3) requires the Keeper to serve a notice on the registered secured creditor intimating that the record will be corrected on a specified date (at least 21 days from the date of the notice) unless action is taken by them. The Keeper must also note on the entry the details of the pending application, acknowledge receipt of the application and, in the event that the person showing on the entry as the provider is not the applicant, notify that person that notice of intention to correct the register has been served on the registered secured creditor.
419.Under subsection (4), the registered secured creditor may apply to the court before the date specified by the Keeper, opposing the making of the correction. They must notify the Keeper if they make any such application (so that the Keeper knows not to proceed with making the correction when the deadline passes).
420.Subsection (5) provides that where the registered creditor is not the secured creditor, the registered creditor must (to the extent that it is reasonable and practicable to do so) promptly notify the secured creditor of receipt of a notice from the Keeper under subsection (3). Subsection (4) will also apply to the secured creditor as it applies to the registered creditor – meaning that the secured creditor may apply to the court objecting to the making of the correction.
421.Where an application is made to the court, subsection (6) provides for the court to determine matters. However, subsection (7) recognises that if the Keeper was not told about the court action then the correction may already legitimately have been made. As such, no direction is to be made unless the court is satisfied that, before the date the Keeper had said was the intended date for making the correction, the Keeper received notice from the registered secured creditor of the court application. In establishing the date on which the Keeper received any such notice, the (rebuttable) presumptions as to service provided for in section 26 of the Interpretation and Legislative Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 may be relied upon. The Keeper can, if desired, enter the court process (see section 103 of the Act).
422.If the Keeper does not receive any notification of a court application before the date that the Keeper had said was the intended date for making the correction, the Keeper is required to make the correction on that date arriving (subsection (8)).
423.See also section 102, which sets out the procedure that the Keeper must follow, depending upon the nature of the correction being made (though in every case, the Keeper must note in the register that a correction has been made). That section also provides for notification to be given to interested parties of the entry having been corrected.