Section 28 - Content of an improvement report
125.Section 28 sets out the content that an improvement report must contain.
126.Paragraph (a) requires the report to set out the grounds for preparing it. This includes details of the alleged conduct and circumstances that have led Environmental Standards Scotland to consider that a public authority has failed – or that two or more authorities have collectively failed – to comply with environmental law, to make effective environmental law or to implement or apply it effectively.
127.Paragraphs (b) to (d) require the report to set out Environmental Standards Scotland’s reasons for reaching its conclusions, including details of the relevant environmental law and any other information which it took into account during its decision-making, as well as the impact of the failure (e.g. any environmental harm or risk of environmental harm, or any missed opportunity to make improvements in environmental quality). It must also propose a timescale for the Scottish Ministers or any other public authority to take forward the recommendations.