
Compliance notices

24Content of a compliance notice

A compliance notice must include—

(a)a statement of the grounds for issuing the notice, including a statement of—

(i)the provision of the code of practice which the Commissioner considers that the person has not complied with,

(ii)the act or omission which has caused the Commissioner to conclude that the code of practice has not been complied with,

(b)details of the steps that the Commissioner requires the person to whom the notice is issued to take in order to—

(i)comply with the code of practice, or

(ii)ensure that the code of practice will be complied with in future,

(c)the date of issue of the notice,

(d)the period of time within which the required steps are to be taken,

(e)information about the person to whom, and as to how and by when, any representations about the notice may be made,

(f)an explanation of the consequences of failure to comply with the requirements of the notice.