Housing (Scotland) Act 1987: statement under section 33B
122.Paragraph 4 makes provision to amend section 33B(1) of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 (“the 1987 Act”) to extend, by six months, the deadline for the Scottish Ministers to publish a statement on the circumstances and criteria for exercising the power in section 33A of the 1987 Act, relating to referrals between local authorities on the grounds of local connection. It has the effect of extending the deadline for publishing the statement to 18 months from the coming into force of section 33B(1) (on 7 November 2019).
123.Paragraph 4(2)(b) inserts new subsections (1A) and (1B) into section 33B of the 1987 Act to give the Scottish Ministers the power to make regulations further extending the period in section 33B(1) by up to six months on a one-off basis, should this be necessary.