Section 40: Promotion and use of mediation etc.
203.Section 40 of the Act inserts new section 268A into the 1997 Act. This provides that the Scottish Ministers may prepare guidance on the promotion and use of mediation in the circumstances of: the preparation of local development plans and related evidence reports; pre-application consultation; assisting in the determination of an application for planning permission; and any other matter related to planning that Ministers consider appropriate. The guidance may include provision about the form of mediation that is to be used in a particular circumstance, and. the procedure to be followed in any such mediation. Ministers may also vary and revoke such guidance.
204.Local authorities must have regard to any guidance issued under this section. Ministers must consult planning authorities, and such other persons as they consider appropriate, before issuing any guidance, and must make it publicly available.
205.Subsection (7) of new section 268A provides a definition of “mediation” which includes any means of exploring, resolving or reducing disagreement between persons involving an impartial person that the Scottish Ministers consider appropriate.
206.Subsection (8) requires Ministers to publish the guidance within two years of the date on which the Bill for the Act received Royal Assent (by 25 July 2021).