Explanatory Notes

Education (Scotland) Act 2016

2016 asp 8

8 March 2016

Commentary on Sections

Part 3: Miscellaneous

Section 23: Clothing grants

149.This section inserts new section 54A into the 1980 Act. Section 54A introduces a regulation-making power enabling the Scottish Ministers to make regulations requiring an education authority to provide grants of a specified amount for school clothing for certain specified pupils. Subsection (4) defines “specified” as meaning specified in regulations.

150.Subsection (2) provides that such regulations may make the payment of a grant subject to specified conditions (including conditions as to repayment). Subsection (3) provides that the regulations can make different provision for different purposes. For example, a different amount might be specified for secondary school pupils compared with primary school pupils.

151.As stated above, section 22(6) of the Act amends section 133 of the 1980 Act (regulations etc.) to provide that the section 54A regulation-making power will be subject to affirmative procedure.