
PART 4Guidance, code of conduct and Public Awareness

43Parliamentary guidance

(1)The Parliament must publish guidance on the operation of this Act (referred to in this Act as “the parliamentary guidance”).

(2)The guidance must in particular include provision about—

(a)the circumstances in which—

(i)a person is or is not, for the purposes of this Act, engaged in regulated lobbying, and

(ii)a communication is of a kind mentioned in the schedule,

(b)voluntary registration,

(c)the Clerk’s functions under this Act.

(3)Before publishing the guidance, any revision to it or replacement of it, the Parliament must consult the Scottish Ministers.

44Code of conduct for persons lobbying MSPs

(1)The Parliament must publish a code of conduct for persons lobbying members of the Parliament.

(2)The Parliament must, from time to time, review the code of conduct and may, if it considers it appropriate, publish a revised code of conduct.

(3)In this section, “lobbying” means making a communication of any kind to a member of the Parliament in relation to the member’s functions.

45Public awareness and understanding of Act

The Parliament may take such steps as it considers appropriate to promote public awareness and understanding of the operation of this Act.