Inactive registrants
44.The concept of “inactive registrant” is included within the statutory framework as a way to manage the registration process and minimise any burdens arising from it. It allows a means for a person who has been registered as an active registrant to no longer be subject to the requirement to make information returns (under section 11) every 6 months if they are no longer and do not intend in the future to be engaged in regulated lobbying activity. This avoids the registrant from having to submit ‘nil’ returns, and the Clerk having to oversee and administer those returns. The effect of these provisions is that there is a statutory duty for any relevant instance of lobbying to be registered, but there are reduced administrative burdens relating to lobbying which may occur on a one-off or infrequent basis.
45.An active registrant may become an “inactive registrant” if the Clerk believes the active registrant is not, or is no longer, engaged in regulated lobbying. An active registrant may apply to become an inactive under section 12, or the Clerk may reclassify an active registrant without an application under section 13 (provided the Clerk has given the active registrant notice and a chance to make representations). Sections 12 and 13 are discussed further below.
46.An inactive registrant may revert to being an active registrant if they are re-entered in the register under section 10.