xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Tobacco, nicotine vapour products and smoking

    1. CHAPTER 1 Sale and purchase of tobacco and nicotine vapour products

      1. Nicotine vapour products

        1. 1.Nicotine vapour products

      2. Sale and purchase of tobacco and nicotine vapour products

        1. 2.Sale of nicotine vapour products to persons under 18

        2. 3.Age verification policy

        3. 4.Sale by persons under 18

        4. 5.Defence of due diligence for certain offences

        5. 6.Purchase of nicotine vapour products on behalf of persons under 18

        6. 7.Extension of vending machine prohibition

      3. Register of tobacco and nicotine vapour product retailers

        1. 8.Register of tobacco and nicotine vapour product retailers

        2. 9.Registration and changes to the Register

        3. 10.Tobacco and nicotine vapour product banning orders

        4. 11.Offences relating to the Register

        5. 12.Public inspection of the Register

      4. The 2010 Act: miscellaneous

        1. 13.Power to exclude certain premises

        2. 14.Presumption as to contents of container

        3. 15.Part 1 of the 2010 Act: miscellaneous

      5. Interpretation

        1. 16.Meaning of “the 2010 Act”

    2. CHAPTER 2 Advertising and promotion of nicotine vapour products

      1. 17.Advertising and brandsharing

      2. 18.Free distribution and nominal pricing

      3. 19.Sponsorship

    3. CHAPTER 3 Smoking outside hospitals

      1. 20.Smoking outside hospitals

  3. PART 2 Duty of candour

    1. Duty of candour procedure

      1. 21.Incident which activates duty of candour procedure

      2. 22.Duty of candour procedure

      3. 23.Apologies

      4. 24.Reporting and monitoring

    2. Interpretation

      1. 25.Interpretation of Part 2

  4. PART 3 Ill-treatment and wilful neglect

    1. Offences by care workers and care providers

      1. 26.Care worker offence

      2. 27.Care provider offence

      3. 28.Meaning of “care worker” and “care provider” etc.

      4. 29.Disclosure of conviction for offence under section 26

    2. Remedial orders and publicity orders

      1. 30.Power to order offence to be remedied or publicised

      2. 31.Remedial and publicity orders: prosecutor's right of appeal

    3. Ill-treatment and wilful neglect of mentally disordered person

      1. 32.Penalty for ill-treatment and wilful neglect of mentally disordered person

  5. PART 4 Provision of communication equipment

    1. 33.Duty to provide or secure communication equipment

  6. PART 5 Final provisions

    1. 34.Regulations

    2. 35.Ancillary provision

    3. 36.Commencement

    4. 37.Short title