294.The new section 97V of the 2003 Act sets out the rights of appeal which exist in connection with Part 3A of the 2003 Act.
295.Subsections (1), (4) and (5) provide that the landowner, a person who is a member of the community to which a Part 3A community body relates and a creditor in a standard security with a right to sell land to which an application relates may appeal against the Ministers’ decision to consent to the application, while subsection (2) allows the Part 3A community body to appeal against a decision to refuse an application. Where there is more than one Part 3A community body wishing to purchase the land, subsection (3) provides that Ministers’ decision on which community body’s application will proceed is final and cannot be appealed to the sheriff.
296.Subsection (6) specifies the timeframe within which an appeal may be made.
297.Subsection (7) specifies that the sheriff court with the jurisdiction to hear an appeal is the sheriff court where the land subject to an appeal is located.
298.Subsection (8) specifies who each appellant must inform when an appeal is made.
299.Subsection (9) provides that the sheriff’s decision is final and may require rectification of the Register of Community Interests in Abandoned, Neglected or Detrimental Land and may impose conditions on the appellant.