
Burrell Collection (Lending and Borrowing) (Scotland) Act 2014

2014 asp 4

The Bill for this Act of the Scottish Parliament was passed by the Parliament on 21st January 2014 and received Royal Assent on 25th February 2014

An Act of the Scottish Parliament to provide Glasgow City Council with additional powers to lend, including lending overseas, any items forming part of the Burrell Collection and to receive items on loan from others in both cases with agreement of the charity trustees of the Sir William Burrell Trust in accordance with a published code.

1Powers to lend and borrow

(1)In addition to the existing powers contained in the Will and Agreement, Glasgow City Council may with the agreement in writing of the Burrell Trustees in accordance with the terms of the code published under subsection (2)—

(a)lend any items which for the time being form part of the Burrell Collection to a Borrower for such period as Glasgow City Council and the Burrell Trustees may determine; and

(b)receive on loan from any other party items which do not form part of the Burrell Collection and display them, alongside items that do, for such periods as Glasgow City Council and the Burrell Trustees may determine.

(2)Glasgow City Council must—

(a)publish a code agreed with the Burrell Trustees setting out the basis upon which the powers conferred by this section and the existing powers of lending from and borrowing for display at the Burrell Collection are to be exercised; and

(b)publish a revised code no later than one week after any such revised code has been agreed with the Burrell Trustees.

(3)Purpose IN THE LAST PLACE of the Will is modified so far as inconsistent with the provisions of this subsection and income held by the Burrell Trustees may be applied for—

(a)the purpose of obtaining such reports and advice deemed by them to be of assistance in exercising any rights and responsibilities under the code published under subsection (2); and

(b)generally for all purposes deemed by them to be necessary in relation to discharging and fulfilling their duties and obligations under the code published under subsection (2).

2Cessation of inconsistent provisions

In so far as inconsistent with section 1, the stipulations and conditions connected to lending from and to and displaying at the Burrell Collection contained in Clause NINTH of the Agreement and purposes IN THE SEVENTH PLACE and IN THE LAST PLACE of the Will cease to have effect.


In this Act—


(1)Sections 1(2)(a) and 3 to 5 come into force on the day after Royal Assent.

(2)The other provisions of this Act come into force on the date of publication of the code under section 1(2)(a).

5Short title

The short title of this Act is the Burrell Collection (Lending and Borrowing) (Scotland) Act 2014.