Historic Environment Scotland Act 2014 Explanatory Notes

Section 23 - Applications for listed building consent

92.Subsection (2) amends section 12 of the 1997 Act by inserting new subsections (1A) and (1B). This gives Ministers the power to set out in regulations or directions the circumstances in which a planning authority which is minded to grant listed building consent is required to notify the Scottish Ministers.

93.Subsection (3) amends section 13 of the 1997 Act to repeal the existing powers in subsections (1) and (2) for Ministers to set out in directions that specified types of listed building consent applications need not be notified to the Scottish Ministers.

94.Subsection (4) inserts subsection (2A) into section 14 of the 1997 Act, with the effect that where the planning authority is minded to grant listed building consent, Ministers may set out in directions conditions that should be imposed, and that the planning authority must consider imposing those conditions, and must not subsequently grant consent without satisfying the Scottish Ministers that such consideration has been given and that either such conditions have been imposed, or are not required. An example of where this could be used would be where Ministers were considering calling in an application where the proposals were generally acceptable, but they had certain specific concerns. With the imposition of certain conditions Ministers would be content for the consent to be granted, and therefore these directions could avoid the need for call in.

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